This method is said to be very easy. It uses no heat so it preserves all the stuff in weed, and it won't over-decarb and give you CBN. I'm giving it a try. I used about half an ounce, over the course of two weeks, on my cheap Amazon decarb machine and only had three good highs from it! I got so frustrated! Imagine trying to make tincture or canabutter and WASTING half an ounce of weed! If this method works as everyone says it does, I can easily and perfectly decarb weed AND the resulting paste is water soluable! So they say. It takes a week for the reaction to work. Simply mix weed , water (or lemon juice) and citric acid and let nature do the rest! You can add heat at 180 degrees or so for ten or fifteen minutes and it won't degrade your weed. They say it "speeds up the process greatly" but they won't say by how much? are we talking a few days instead of a week, or "Holy Shit! I can use this shit the DAY I MAKE IT!" I don't know. Nobody said and the posts were old so I may post a question and the dude's in jail so he can't answer. So twofold purpose here: 1. Find out what others know about this method 2. Add trip report in 6-7 days when the stuff is ready.
I tried it after 4 days thinking "speeds up the process greatly." at t+1:45 I still feel absolutely nothing. I KNOW decarbed THC by mouth works for me. I've bought edibles and capsules. Can't heat decarb to save my life, but if this citric acid thing turns out to be bullshit, I do have on final option with edibles. It'll work, cause I've done it before but it STILL takes like TWICE as much weed for me to feel it-- candy termometer, oil, heat. Keep it between 230-250. Watch the bubbles. When the boubbles start to slow down and get more sparse, you have a complete decarboxtlization and NO conversion of THC to CBN! I think that being the case I just need to maybe bottle that shit up and let it sit for two months before filtering and discarding the plant matter. It just isn't infusing and I'm not going to lower my THC yield by introducing MORE heat. Frustrating. The people who grow weed and process it for the dispensaries know EXACTLY the right heat and temperature, but it's like "NO! YOU CAN'T HAVE MY TRADE SECRETS! USE THE SHITTY SEARCH ENGINE) -- back in the day it was UTFSE but now UTSSE. Don't get me started on the many ways commercialization has turned "the information superhighway" into "Idiot Box 2.0." I can't google SHIT anymore that's useful information.
hopefull in 3 days this shit will be ready and actually work. Doesn't even seem like anybody else has even HEARD of this method, much less can tell me if it works.
You know something, God Damn? I wish the dispensaries would sell weed that is already decarbed and not just edibles that you have to pay for like it was fine dining. I'd gladly pay an extra $20/oz if they'd just sell it to me ready to use.
I believe the whole thing about decarb is bullshit. We have great results getting high from our chocolate chip cookies by simply grinding up the weed, sifting it until a fine powder, then simply adding about five grams to a batch of cookie dough. When baked, I get pleasantly baked from one cookie... but I do not smoke the stuff. So one or two cookies is great! I am usually off to dreamland very quickly after eating my magic cookies. Same thing for brownies...
Decarboxylate Cannabis WITHOUT Heat! Terpene Preservation Method for Edibles!! — Steemit Reddit - Dive into anything 2:55 T+ still NOTHING. I'm sick of coughing my guts out every day, I can buy an ounce of flower for $100 and the bag it comes in will say: 1,528 mg THC. The cheapest cannibas that works when taken by mouth is $20 for 100 mg (for me that is ONE dose, ONE) THAT IS A THREEFOLD INCREASE IN PRICE. I am fucking sick of wasting money trying AND FAILING to Decarboxylize weed! I hope in three days I have something better to report about this experiment.
ZEN: Well if decarb is bullshit, why am I not getting baked as fuck off eating weed? Also I eat FOOD 3 times a week (if I keep to my vows of fasting and I do not eat : 1. Industrially manufactured cooking oil. 2. Sugar 3. Flour. The stuff I just tried tasted great, and there is one claim that it can be absorbed orally and get you baked in 10 minutes if you tuck it between the cheek and gums. It doesn't count against my fasting as I am sure my body is not releasing any insulin when I put this in my mouth or indeed by eating it. Just like bulletproof coffee doesn't count. I mean, I've NEVER gotten any result from eating weed that wasn't decarbed. Most recipies for edibles, tea or whatnot, call for using GIGANTIC quantities of weed. THIS GUY uses 10-14 grams of "bud or trimmings" (those are interchangable? pretty sure trimmings are NOT as potent as the buds) Hashmouf's Summer Thirst Quencher : "Purple & Green Iced Tea" Recipe Guide Well, I guess if you're using lemon juice and heating it 10-14 grams of bud MIGHT produce as much THC as .5 grams of properly decarboxylized bud. 14 grams of weed will cost me $70 at my go-to dsipensary and $140-210 at the other 30 dispensaries in town. (Elevation 6,420 is a spectacular bargain-- where I get $100 ounces.) You can't get SHAKE in this town for $100 an ounce. But Zen, have you TRULY gotten an effect by eating raw buds that were never heated? How long was the weed sitting around. Two years is what they say it takes. I'd like to know, if you would help me out, my friend.
mean maybe you ate old weed right? When I was in high school we found some weed from my friend's dad's tour in Vietnam! Holy shit did that get us baked!
All the weed we get is old... I live where it is hard to come by, almost no fresh buds to be found anywhere... Have you tried growing your own? Are you somewhere that is possible? The prices you mention are high... retail outlets and legalizing cannabis has resulted in some crazy high prices.
yeah! remember all the rhetoric we used to use to point out the potential benefits of legal weed? "... and it will be cheap because no one will have to risk a criminal sentence to get it." That was the ONLY prediction that failed, but if you consider how materialistic we are in the United States, it shouldn't surprise anyone that weed actually got MORE expensive when they legalized it. The theory was correct, but that's just one of the many ways we screw up in this country. I tried growing. My cousin who I lives with is interested in it. I still got to quit smoking. I'm in great health for my age-- actually for any age, and I want to keep that for as long as possible. Actually the same dispensary sells plants too, so maybe I won't kill my next plant. Plus there's all the trim and leaf that could be made into something to take by mouth. I'd have to bring it indoors. I wouldn't expect to be able to harvest any unless I had high brick walls to keep out thieves! But yeah, indoors I could grow all year! I tried dipping the crud I made yesterday and my gums got the same kind of burn that you get when you mix mineral lime with Betel to chew it, so the acid should be strong enough. I mean CannaPEDIA includes citric acid as a known workable method, I'd say that's at least a little more dependable than reddit posts? No matter. I will be patient and if I can get it to work *I* will be the one being asked questions!
That was a bust-- but I may have done a few things wrong. I'm determined to make orally active THC somehow. Trail two begins today. I think the method may need atmospheric oxygen to work and I mixed in a bunch of sticky sweet shit-- might have kept it from working. Plus the citric acid might not have been strong enough. I used this method for my second trial because it allows me to mix the citric acid and water until it is saturation. Be pretty nice if one of these recipies included a PH number, that way it could be EXACT. Decarboxylate Cannabis WITHOUT Heat! Terpene Preservation Method for Edibles!! — Steemit In the meantime I have another quarter gram to play around with and I'm going to try my hot oil method, which has worked for me before, but did not prodice a very strong result. Heat up oil in a skillet and use a candy thermometer. Keep the heat at as steadily close to 250 degrees as possible. WATCH THE BUBBLES. When the bubbles stop forming or slow down noticably, you have a complete decarb and want to quit right there to keep the THC from decarbing into CBN. I think my results were weak because I thought the decarbing was good enough to infuse the oil at the same time. Some further heating may be required in order to get ALL of the good stuff out of the raw plant material... SO... Any suggestions? I think if I let it sit for a month it will certainly fully infuse, but I'm hoping for EXPERTISE from YOU, that will give me a time and temperature that will infuse this stuff WITHOUT decarboxilizing the THC into CBN.
should say that the main reason I'm giving the "Ceviche" another chance (besides the many posts online in the past 6 years that claim it works) is that one of my sources that indicates this is a sound method is THE NATIONAL HEALTH INSTITUTE Decarboxylation Study of Acidic Cannabinoids: A Novel Approach Using Ultra-High-Performance Supercritical Fluid Chromatography/Photodiode Array-Mass Spectrometry
I don't really have any suggestions, this who;e idea is new to me In my experience, I found vape pens with pure cannabis extracts in them, and no additives such as terpenes or flavinoids work wonderfully for me. During my last trip to California we found a Maui Wowie vape pen that was literally the bomb. It just keeps on puffing and puffing along with happy smiles all around from using it.
unfortunately vapes are often harder to smoke than weed itself. I cough longer and harder with my vape.
Can you drink alcohol? Everclear or any high proof alcohol can be used to extract THC. It will take a long time, but it works. Also you might need to change your expectations. Eating does not have the same effect as toking. I never get the same high. Different metabolites result.
When edibles work for me it lasts longer and is more euphoric for me. both oil and alcohol can take a long time or you can heat them for a certain time and temp and have them the same day. I bought this machine to take the guesswork out but it did not work as advertized. It was a low end model. used $50 worth of weed and only got high three times-- and all of those were way more than I should have. Eaten is supposed to use less. Anyhow, I'm sure I fucked up the first citric acid attempt. If it works and renders a truly water soluable compound, then imagine this-- dehydrate your THC citrate (or whatever it is) mix with sweetener, and a little TANG. mix with baking powder. The acid and base will react slowly with atmospheric mosture -- it's how you make alka-seltzer. Now you have a fizzy drink tablet. drop it into water, enjoy a delightful orange soda, and two hours later you're blazed like its karaoke night and everyone's buying you drinks!
also trying this-- Tuesday's batch is going to be very dry-- this sounds like it will be a liquid, and I'll be able to see the liquid change color. This is a very repeatable method-- should work if this guy isn't flat out lying. VERY precise, VERY scalable. Going to set this up for just one gram, test half in three day, the other the full 7. oil may not work well for me. Reddit - Dive into anything
It's been seven days and I just consumed the equivalent of an entire gram of weed, completely fasted. If this doesn't work, then it tells me that the reaction does not occour when the material is dry. Wednessday's small batch is almost dry-- I kept it sealed off to see whether liquid content made a difference. I'm also thinking that times and conditions may be different because this is a very arid climate, not typical of most people's environs. I'll let you know soon whether I'm feeling the weed. If this batch or the other doesn't work , I'm going to make RSO and see if I'm more successful at that. Pretty good evidence from reports and sources that citric acid decarb does work, but so far I've failed at every single technique I tried to make weed that I can eat and get high off.
Okay, I'm adding more citric acid solution and keeping it wet for another 4 days-- it was dry by 3 days and I figure the third day it was too gummy to react with atmospheric oxygen. Tomorrow I'll try batch #2, that was only dry for two days.
Well I followed this one and it did nothing: Reddit - Dive into anything I'm keeping the 8 day old stuff covered citric acid solution for a few more days. I think letting it dry out stopped the reaction. The week old #2 recipie dried out a couple days too, so I'm thinking don't let it dry out. I ate a whole gram of weed and it did nothing. Moving on to making RSO, but I am not going to stop trying to get citric acid to work.