"no, but I identify with a lot of the belifs"

Discussion in 'Paganism' started by SurfhipE, Aug 29, 2005.

  1. SurfhipE

    SurfhipE Senior Member

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    You know when you hear someone say, no-I am not a ___ but I identify with what they stand for, some of their belifs. I was curious, if someone were to say, no, but I identify with pagan belifs..what would those 'belifs' be? For some reason.. I just can't seem to pin down certain aspects paganism stands for, (even though I understand it is a general term for many different intertwined religions) But like how chrisitanity, "no..I am not a christian, but I idenitfy with their belifs".. belifs such as anti abortion, abstence, the bible, etc..
  2. NatureFreak412

    NatureFreak412 Art of Balance

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    You dont have to put an exact title to what you believe in, if you are like me(and i think you are) you have your own beliefs taken from a lot of things. I just say im into Nature.
  3. SageDreamer

    SageDreamer Senior Member

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    Not all Christians believe in abstinence, and there are Christians who are not anti-abortion.

    Similarly, it is difficult to say very much about what *all* pagans believe. You will probably find that *most* pagans believe in deity as being both male and female (at least one God, at least one Goddess) and in nature being sacred.

    Pagans don't usually believe in sin. Christians tend to believe in a concept of sin and that people are basically and inherently bad or evil. Pagans don't usually believe that in a need to be "saved" from anything.

    Christians usually see the afterlife as heaven and hell. Some Catholics, however, see limbo and purgatory as options. Pagans may not believe in an afterlife. Pagans who do believe in an afterlife may believe in reincarnation.
  4. NatureFreak412

    NatureFreak412 Art of Balance

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    Yeah Sage but thats the thing about pagan beliefs, there is no "dogma" that you have to go by, you can believe in an afterlife, or just one God, or 987459675098673 gods. Its all up to you.
  5. cerridwen

    cerridwen in stitches

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    a lot of pagans are also very much into respecting nature, since pagan rituals and dieties have a lot to do with working the earth rather than worshiping some book.
  6. SageDreamer

    SageDreamer Senior Member

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    Perhaps pagans are most likely to believe that there is no one thing that you must believe.

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