Ahem, sabotage my garden and think it'll be ok. Has anyone ever had sugar replaced with salt, or the lid of a salt or sugar shaker just barely on the lip, just enough where the cap comes off and dumps it all? No respect man. Some people got no respect. So … here I go again.... maybe next year I'll get the other dick gone. By the way, they call me dick. Err, umm somewhere else. ThyCallMeDick that's a user name. Anyway, I'm sure you get the gist.
It only takes one to sabotage 50 to 100 or so acres of. It takes a dick to know a dick and it takes respect to grow … I would think that applies to two too … Umm, I mean ways. Respect is the operative term. That's what she said anyway.
Like the mighty phoenix … some were born to, ahem … RISE. Some are just asses so, it takes respect to umm … you know … umm … grow.