
Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by Mamluke, Dec 29, 2019.

  1. Mamluke

    Mamluke Members

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    When I go look at escort sites most women have a no black men why only single out one whole race
  2. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Why do you do such things?
    drumminmama likes this.
  3. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Maybe...ask on the escort site why they allow such a policy?
    Mamluke likes this.
  4. carpetbagger

    carpetbagger Member

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    Because, believe it or not, choice of sexual partners is one of the few things that you are still allowed free choice in.
    Give it time though, there are already loads of progressives claiming not wanting sex with a transgender woman and makes you transphobic and almost a Nazi.
    Considering everyone running against Trump are fully paid up progressives it's only a matter of time
    Mamluke likes this.
  5. NubbinsUp

    NubbinsUp Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    This is a link to a 15-minute YouTube video posted by an escort that directly answers your question. Regarding the question's premise that most escorts have this stipulation, it isn't representative of the market and it certainly isn't "most." I recommend that you not visit those sites again. Your observation is based on poor or biased selection to begin with, like not eating in any restaurants, but judging all restaurants' meals by the smell of one restaurant's dumpster.

    She answers the question based on her research and her contacts with her peers in the field. She indicates that she has no such preference or restriction in her own work.

    I have no direct or personal interest in the matter, and I'm merely pointing you to a source of information offered by someone who made a good faith effort to answer the question. If you don't find it informative, then do what you could have done in the first place - contact the poster of an ad that you have seen, and ask "why?" No one advertises a service without offering a way to contact that person.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2020
  6. Just for fun

    Just for fun Live your best life

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    Because they are white supremist fucks or just stupidly prejudice
    Mamluke likes this.

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