Nijmegen is the Alternativ (hippy) capital of holland.

Discussion in 'Amsterdam' started by vid, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. swasw1

    swasw1 Member

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    You even sound American, man.
  2. mafuman

    mafuman Banned

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    what does it mean that nijmegen is the oudste roze stad van nederland?


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    I can't believe how many pigeons fly around in that shop.
    It's incredible how everyone puts up with it.


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    oudste roze stad van nederland
    translates as
    most old pink city of the netherlands
  5. Sabel

    Sabel Member

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    I could also just speak dutch but I wonder if you'd understand:rolleyes:
  6. mafuman

    mafuman Banned

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    yeah i get the translation but not the significance. is it do with prostitution (cuz they call the rld het roze buurt) or does it have somehting to do with homosexuals as kabal. made reference to.
  7. mafuman

    mafuman Banned

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    he probably only speaks american
  8. Sabel

    Sabel Member

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    I think it's about homosexuals. but it'd be weird to put that on a sign.


    yeah.. I don't really get it either :confused:
  9. swasw1

    swasw1 Member

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    Speak whatever language you like, i'd just have to start ignoring you if you spoke dutch though :p
  10. guest1234

    guest1234 Visitor

    Like in every other country, some people do. But i dont mean Americans, i mean more politically wise, and culture wise. Not saying your culture sucks ass per se, but more your culture taking over mine. I like diversity, and im proud of our own culture, so im fine with yours, just not in my country. I sincerely hate American politics, but our politicians seem not to. I like our language, but English is taking over more and more. Weve American music, movies, food, clothes, celebrities, etc.
  11. consolidated

    consolidated Banned

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    I live in Nijmegen.. But I would not say its the alternative (hippy) capital of holland. But I like it.. :) I like small towns way better then big cities.. I lived in amsterdam for one year, but I like nijmegen more..
  12. mafuman

    mafuman Banned

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    I see what you say and it does suck ass.

    However i would like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to Rutger Hauer. He is a great actor and dare i say the best dutch actor of the 20th century.
  13. fedor

    fedor Member

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    [edit] wrong... [/edit]
  14. koopa

    koopa De Kuil Krue Hipster

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    well i'm an east coast american who is about 40 percent dutch and let me point out that the dutch have also had a strong hand in shaping new england. I'm proud to be both Dutch and American.....probably prouder than i would be if i was only one or the other. So please don't overlook the fact that alot of our dutch forefathers taught the yanks how to "americanize" through there gorgeous dutch eyes!
  15. Floris

    Floris Member

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    oudste roze stad van nederland


    oldest pink city of Holland

    I heard something about it, it was an april fool's joke of the city of Nijmegen, that they would not be using the normal sign anymore (you see those signs in blue when you enter a city) but the pink one to promote tolerance towards homosexuality.... 'roze buurt' is wrong, it's 'rosse buurt' and 'ros' is an old Dutch word for 'rood' which means red, which is the color of prostitution.

    now as for the americanisation... well I wouldn't call it that... I'd call it commercialisation... yeah well it will always stay, but look at the bright side, there'll also be more people fighting it (which often results in some great art....)

    never been in Nijmegen... oh yeah once, on a juggling festival, but I hardly left the terrain of the festival so I couldn't say anything about it...
  16. guest1234

    guest1234 Visitor

    I honestly dont understand what youre saying. The word Yankee comes from Jan-Kees, both very common Dutch names, so usually the Yanks were the dutch. How can the dutch teach the dutch? Anyway, could you explain what exactly youre trying to say?
  17. guest1234

    guest1234 Visitor

    Its not just that, its also the language, the tv, the music, fashion, even politics. All taken over from America, so i think the word Americanisation fits the situation perfectly.
  18. koopa

    koopa De Kuil Krue Hipster

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    All i'm saying is that the dutch strongly influenced new england. the dutch have played a shaping role in america. and this americanization you speak of is merely commercialization. such commercialization didn't firmly take root in america until after the dutch taught it. THEN AND ONLY THEN did capitalism take it to todays extreme. but since the dutch played an integral role in what you see as an "american driven commercialization" you should be able to realize that commercialism does not equal capitalism. your country is evidence of pointing a finger at the world epicenter of capitalism doesn't sum it up and assign all blame correctly. commercialization is no more american than it is dutch, its a mental concept applied by a society. The dutch have influenced the American use of commercialization AND the americans have influenced the Dutch use of commercialization.

    the language issue is a direct result of this......commercialization = big business...big business is usually handled in english or japanese. would you blame the japanese if the dutch were all speaking an asian language? would that be enough of a reason to pin your loss of "purified dutch culture" upon asians? I do openly admit that america, being the melting pot of culture that it is, see's its social culture as ever shifting. We have so many immigrants from so many places that we look at them as part of america, rather than saying that these other cultures are "destroying some purified american cultural ideal"

    Are you the same person you that you were when you were 4 years old? or is your self an everchanging persona? are you going to live in a private room all your life so that you not be influenced by order to preserve your "self"?

    I hope this clears up my previous thread abit...i apologize if i have rambled too much (just woke up)

    Have a nice day everybody,
  19. guest1234

    guest1234 Visitor

    You seem pretty pissed off about me saying Americanisation is a bad thing. I never even mentioned commericalism, or capitalism for that matter, so i dont know where thats coming from and why its directed to me. Also, im not saying things should stay the same, im just saying things are changing in a negative way. And I doubt if we had such a great influence in America.
  20. koopa

    koopa De Kuil Krue Hipster

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    i'm not pissed off at all.....

    but i do understand how a 16 year old dutch girl can, without realizing it, downplay the role of her own country and its own advancement. i think you are view this change as a negative and point fingers at the USA. commercialism is not americanism...that is where you are wrong.

    I don't think its a negative and i don't think the USA caused anything....the dutch have merely actualized there own potential. Both of our countries are changing at an alarming are not alone and its neither of our faults.

    both countries have influenced each other in this matter. If the millions of people in your country adopt practices that seem "american" don't blame americans....blame the dutch for adopting them! now do you see what i mean about downplaying your own country's role in this change?


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