night clubs and mdma

Discussion in 'MDMA - X' started by silmirillian, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. silmirillian

    silmirillian Guest

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    I have a question, me and my girl went to the "beta" downtown denver, we are in our 30's and were hoping to roll and dance, but when we started checking around, people did not seem to helpful, was our etiquette bad?
  2. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    if you asked for drugs too soon after the club was swept by popo....or if you asked while there was rumours of UC's working the crowd?....then no one would sell anything to a stranger

    dude....rolling at a dance club is something you bring the dope with you to do don't buy mystery shit off a stranger in a bar...... that's insane

    you aren't a teenager anymore
  3. intongues

    intongues The Wizard

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    i've went to a club looking for it before too, and since it's not my scene i got no response even though i knew ppl were taking it all around me.
    Bring a few joints and smoke/pass em around outside and talk to ppl and then bring it up!
  4. Skywise

    Skywise Member

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    The only time i had to ask around in a club was in Ibiza...since most people were tourists and didn't have their own, locals were selling
  5. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Probably depends on the club, some clubs have kind of a stuffy atmosphere where asking for drugs is probably not the best.

    However having just took a quick look at the events calendar, I'd recommend trying the night Josh Wink is spinning.

    I'm not sure when the last time you rolled is but MDMA is just as likely to be called "Molly" as it is "Ecstasy" now.
  6. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    MDMA in a nightclub be like: OMG your hair is so pretty, I must examine and play with it for 5 hours. =D
  7. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    What does that even mean?
  8. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    it means ravers often get touchy feely lovey on ecstasy and touch each other haha

    toucha toucha toucha touch me

    or at least they did when it was actual half decent pure

    nowadays unless you get lucky or know the bigger dealers...its shite compared to 1995

    in NA...Europe is different I am told
  9. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I understand MDMA makes people touchy feely and I see massages alot but Yah never seen someone at a club or rave for that matter touching peoples hair for 5 hours.
  10. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Denver native here, been to Beta many times. It depends on what you mean by "etiquette". How did you ask? To be honest you may be at an age in your 30's where you look like a undercover cop. It' s a problem many older people deal with. Or you may have just not run into the right guy. Often if someone has something they come up to you. Especially if they notice you looking which it sounds like you were.

    But I have not seen as many deals go down there as I have at the raves. That night club and something like Triad(not sure if you know them but they do the "raves" in Colorado) attract a much different crowd. Beta is for snotty girls who want to get drunk and do coke and the guys trying to get with them although I have met plenty of people rolling there. I have just not seen many people openly selling MDMA.

    The dance scene is supposed to be about PLUR and being kind but Beta is clicky. I have gone when a DJ I liked was playing but it's not a place I would go just to party on a Saturday night.

    The Triad events you are guaranteed find some pills or molly as long as you show up early enough before the dealer is out. It helps to check the parking lot first allot of times people don't want to go in with it but it's inside for the brave dealer. And you can meet some people that are much more PLUR. Triad works closely with Beta, they might even own it I don't remember but it's a different world.
  11. Skywise

    Skywise Member

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    You are SO totally awesome! ;)

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