The video showing the beheading of an American contractor in Iraq is being questioned. Some are saying it was a hoax.;article=54893;title=APFN I dont know about you, but I feel that theres just something about this whole thing that isnt right.
haha. when this first happened, like ages ago i made a thread about can tell it's total bullshit just from watching the video.
ya man, like he doesnt make signs that hes in pain, I dont know about you, but If I where getting beheaded Id prolly be screaming and gurggelling.
No, they want to scare us. If they wanted us to see his pain, they'd show us videos of him getting twisted and snapped by torturing machines.
I'd be more scared by pain then by a simple antiseptic (I know it's not but I'm using hyperbole for purpose of this sentence) beheading
theres more than one beheading video, and in many others(which are real, and Im sure ALL came out after the nick berg beheading) the victums show signs of pain...a fake movie to cause movement in this action?
What would be the point of faking it? Damn, that article was horribly written - there was a theory about the victim not actually being Nick Berg? Bullshit...tell that to the family that saw the video. Also, what was that crap about not believing why he was in iraq? Um...hello? Did you actually watch the news as the story aired? Why the orange jumpsuit? Well, we have our iraq prisoners dressed in them, right? And yes, he does make sounds that he's in pain.