"Nice guy" movies give men an unrealisitc expectation of love

Discussion in 'The Whiners' started by unfocusedanakin, Aug 24, 2020.

  1. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Everyone has seen this type of movie. You have a male who is not a perfect 10 model. He is shy and insecure but does not act like the macho alpha male stereotype. He loves a women who is with one of those alphas who does not respect her. He's too busy being a man to understand women. Maybe he is friends with her maybe he just watches her too afraid to make a move.

    Eventually him just having basic manners and courtesy blows her mind because all these pretty men never do that they just demand sex. She has never met a man like this before so if he was a bit creepy or pushy in the past all is forgiven because he loves her and she now realized she loves him. Her tiny female brain was just too focused on the macho guy's 6 pack to know what she really wants. So this fat and nerdy bastard has hit the jackpot. He can now act just like the last guy and be dominating but the difference is he does it with love. Like a dog he leads her as the master.

    I think this has lead to the modern incel community. They have seen too many movies and they think manners are enough. They are allowed to as 5's expect 10's because they held a few doors and consider themselves intellectuals.

    Maybe I can not talk because I am not a 10 at all but my wife was a model. I guess I benefited from this stereotype because I feel like I am punching out of my weight class. But when I see certain movies I still think "this is kind of my life but not really".

    I totally understand a man going for the women he loves and being willing to work at it but you need to accept no too.

    This video sums it up well.
    soulcompromise likes this.
  2. Deidre

    Deidre Follow thy heart

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    From what I've read about incels, they lack manners, and seem rather misogynistic. But, from another vantage point, your opinion makes sense.
  3. SexyPsychedelic

    SexyPsychedelic Members

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    The entire male female dating culture among the youth of America seems rather broken to me - unrealistic expectations on both sides of the aisle, toxicity...I dunno, me tired, but something is definetly not right here...
  4. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    There's such a thing as being too nice. It can be as big a turnoff as being a jerk. A man needs to balance being nice with being confident, assertive and sociable. Otherwise at best you'll be stuck in the friend zone.
  5. SexyPsychedelic

    SexyPsychedelic Members

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    God I hate relationships and dating and all of this bullshit (as a man)...I mean - I get it, not blaming women or anything like that, it's just... Fucking tiring for me....
  6. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah, you really have to walk a fine line just in order to get laid, let alone form a stable relationship. This is why prostitution is the world's oldest profession.

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