Hey! So I just got Nexplanon (a birth control implant in my arm) today. It is effective for 3 years. The doctor said I have to wait 7 days for it to be effective. My question is, can my boyfriend cum in me once the Nexplanon is effective, or is that risky? The Nexplanon is 99% effective. Should he continue to pull out while I am on this method of birth control for the next 3 years? Thank you!
If it is 99% effective than I wouldn't worry about him pulling out--I think the point of hormonal birth control is that you don't have to pull out or use other birth control methods. So relax and enjoy
Do you still want him to pull out? I've pulled out before just so my spunk wouldn't drain out in her panties.
Thank you! That's very true. I guess I just worry too much. I'd love to try it at least once if he wants to as well. I've just always been a very nervous person. I didn't know if the 99% effective refers to couples pulling out or not. I'm probably overthinking it too much. :/
I had one of them in my arm and it stopped my monthlies which was handy I'd get the moods but not the rest. Pointless for me though because I don't sleep with men.