Hello! I am new here, I've been picking Liberty Caps for about 5 years and have only ever had 2 successful seasons. I'm not all that knowledgeable on edible or magic mushrooms in general however I know my Libs! I've been querying about some mushrooms I fount growing in thick grass on my garden for a while now and I have no answer to what they are whether edible or psychedelic and I'm still searching for the answer.. I live in the Midlands UK and they were found around mid October after 2 days of slight rain. A brief description is they're all over creamy white with a faint golden/yellow patch in the center of the cap (almost non visible) and all have a light, shiny blue tint to them. Ranging from 5-9cm tall, 2-4cm across the caps and 4-8mm thick for the stems. A more detailed description.. The caps range from 2-4cm across, a smooth texture whilst wet and slightly wrinkly around the edges of the cap when dried, the gills are of a milk chocolate colour and are tightly packed together also leaving a thick spore print of the same colour but with a slight purple hue to it, the total height ranges between 5-9cm tall, the stems are fibrous and remain the same colour/texture as the caps with no rings, just a smooth surface, also they grew tightly together in a cluster of 6 mushrooms. I will attach a picture of them whilst in the ground still and also some after they have dried along with the spore print, and any information on whether they're poisonous, psychedelic, edible etc would be greatly appreciated and I look forwards to learning some more about our British Fungi!
You'll need a clearer picture, and more angles if you want any hope of ID'ing those mushrooms. Anyway, I probably can't help you even if you had clearer pictures, but I just wanted to say that you should never eat mushrooms based on an ID from someone online. Always speak to a local expert before consuming anything. You don't seem like the type of person to go off eating any mushrooms you'd find anyway. Good luck, hopefully you can find out what they are!