New Word: Malinformation

Discussion in 'The Media' started by Intrepid37, Mar 29, 2023.

  1. Intrepid37

    Intrepid37 Banned

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    It means true but inconvenient.

    Here's a discussion of it.

  2. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Inconvenient is hardly the word to describe this.

    Here's a better and far more accurate definition:

    "Malinformation is information that is true and factual, but it is intentionally conveyed in order to inflict actual harm or cause the imminent threat of actual harm on a person, organisation or country. Examples of malinformation include phishing, doxing, and swatting. Malinformation should refer to true and factual information that is intentionally conveyed by the disseminator in a way that causes actual harm or imminent threat of actual harm against another person." - Wikipedia
    scratcho likes this.

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