New War In The South Against Gay Rights

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Karen_J, Apr 6, 2016.

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  1. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    First it was North Carolina, with its new Republican law restricting the rights of gay and transgender people last week. Now it's Mississippi with its new law giving businesses the right to refuse service to anyone that doesn't fit into their particular religious view of the world. Ridiculous. Where is this going to end?

    The absurdity is already costing me money out of my pocket. I was told by a business client yesterday that they aren't going to do business in NC anymore until the law is repealed. I told them I'm totally opposed to the new law. They said it doesn't matter; I'm partially responsible because I live here.

    As hard as it may be to believe, I guess there are still a significant number of Americans who think we're going to go back to a time when it wasn't considered to be okay to be gay or bisexual.
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  2. Kiprat

    Kiprat ophidiophobe

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    So lets get this right. You condemn Mississipi, but you think everyone should bend over backwards to accomodate some militant extremists. Extremists who want to bully NC's families into taking away their right to bring up their children according to Judeo Christian principles.

    And you think some extra business money for YOU, is more important than anything else? (Sounds a little against traditional Democrat values!)

    OK. Now I see why the so called Democratic Party is now so ridiculed. (And BTW I can't stand the Rep Party either!).
    All these so called "social justice crusades" do, is make lives miserable for ordinary people who want a better standard of life, one that is not destroyed by the Hillary Clinton type monsters or the Bush type monsters. Sexual minority groups have the same rights as everyone else. No other sexual minority group is allowed to demonstrate its preferences "in your face" to children or other non-consenters. Imagine sado masochists going round with whips, chains and dogleads! Is that what you want next?

    Finally NC hasn't taken away the rights of homosexuals or those who choose to self mutiliate their bodies via surgery and pharmaceuticals. They have the same rights as everyone else.

    Seems you want everyone to have a particular "freedom of choice". Except you won't allow NC or anywhere else to have anything other than YOUR choice!
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  3. WE1

    WE1 Member

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    Amazing how the south hasn't learned any lesson from history. Now right wingers feel their racist, homophobic world is threatened because the Supreme Court has finally abandoned them. Too bad.
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  4. Kiprat

    Kiprat ophidiophobe

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    One thing you can't accept is that probably most left wingers agree with the NC Rep Party on this one.

    There's not much difference between the Bushes/Cruz etc and Hitlery Clinton. All this social justice warrior tripe is just to cause a smoke screen. It means the Establishment (the faux "Left" AND the Republicans) is just one big party with 2 faces. Making people think they have a choice, but in reality, the REAL issues - jobs, health, prosperity are all decided by the same gang of robbers and their rules. And what "better" way of putting the working class off voting Dem. than having politically correct extremist agendas! Guarantees the electorate is effectively castrated and neutralised on all the REAL issues.

    THATS why Sanders and Trump have had to appear. The political system is utterly bankrupt and fixated with bizarre tripe like "toilets for transsexuals". I mean FFS these loons in Washington are laughing in people's faces!
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  5. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Just like we bullied racists into accepting black people as human beings, even though many of them were brought up to believe that God intended for black people to be inferior to white.

    I don't like getting punished for unwillingly, indirectly supporting the Republican Party just by living here.

    Local GOP leaders here have stated many times in recent years that liberals have the right to move to another state, and they wish that we would. I was born here, and one of my parents and two of my grandparents were born in this state. I can't be thrown out. My business is here. I have nowhere else to go.

    No, some forms of discrimination specifically aimed at them are legal. Some of our more liberal cities were trying to address those problems, but the state GOP wants NC rural standards applied to the cities. Most rural parts of NC are total redneck shit, no better than Alabama. We have enlightened, educated, tolerant people in our cities and a few resort areas at the coast and in the mountains.
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  6. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Don't lump us all together.
  7. Kiprat

    Kiprat ophidiophobe

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    Bearing in mind you refer to large specific parts of NC as "total redneck shit". Because they disagree with you and exercise their own democratic rights...
  8. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Have you spent time in those areas? Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

    They seem to believe in a majority rule concept where minorities don't have any rights. That's un-American.

    In case you don't know, outsiders don't move to those rural NC areas. You pretty much have to be born there to fit in. The more liberal parts of the state are the areas where we've built a culture and economy that appeals to a wide variety of people from lots of different places.
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  9. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    I can't believe NC passed that law, but then it is also the home of the Grahams. Prior to this, I wanted to delude myself into thinking they (that religious iconic family) wasn't so judgmental but alas I was wrong. I had thought/deluded myself into thinking they were non-judgmental like Jimmy Carter. However, I DO think NC being the home state of the Grahams had much to do with this. Notice how Jimmy Carter's state of Georgia started to go with this shitty law and it was rather quickly voted down.

    Now you have the poorest, most uneducated state of Mississippi voting this in. Are they going to start holding KKK meetings in the town squares I wonder!?

    I find it to be a damn sad, scary day when SC is better than any place when it comes to the LGBT community.
  10. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    It's beyond judgmental. I can disapprove and look down on what somebody does without thinking they shouldn't have legal rights. That's just evil and mean.

    It's weird, I was just in Mississippi, and everybody seemed so nice and friendly. But I wasn't a member of a minority group.
  11. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    Actually, I have wondered if this law that specifically targets discriminating against the LGBT community is unconstitutional. NOT that that seems to matter to these evil asses.

    Yet, since it is federal law that same sex marriage is legal, NC (and Mississippi) still has to let that stand, right? Its hard for me to understand how a state can legally decide to pass what seem to me to be a law that itself is illegal.
  12. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    I'm guessing the Supreme Court will have to deal with this at some point.
  13. WE1

    WE1 Member

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    Yes, it will. And hopefully soon.
  14. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    It is just beyond me that lawmakers and their constituents are so petty, so judgemental, so utterly insecure in who they are that they actually took the time to pass legislation like this.

    I really dont understand it. Why is the trans community suddenly getting so much criticism? Why does it fucking matter? I remember seeing trans women as a child and it just wasnt a thing. I didnt give it much thought. Transgendered people have been around for thousands of years in some cultures, but all of a sudden everyone is up in arms and like BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN??

    It just makes no sense to me.
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  15. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Our great "American Freedom".... Freedom to move away when neighbors don't like us. It doesn't seem to matter whether we can actually move or not we should just "go away". It also doesn't dawn on them that maybe, just maybe we like it where we are, except for the neighbor and maybe they should be the ones to just "go away"... like to Mars or someshyt.
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  16. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Yes, which is what I have done...moved.....rather than escalate to living in fear and a war....when you can, just move. Now, I feel very protected and loved by all my neighbors. it was well worth all of the moves to get here...... :)

    and for my animals most of all.
  17. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    oops....excuse me...thought I was in the the love thy neighbor thread, as i just read the last post here before I answered.
  18. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    And which law(s) are we talking about exactly?
  19. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Just in the general theme of this thread

    And directed to any young gay dudes or dudettes that might encounter this thread

    You still have to move anyway.

    Even if you could make one of these states (not just the US, whichever country) the most PC/GL(not B)T friendly state in existance. Still boring as batshit, and pretty much every other GL or T has left for the big city

    Your stuck in some buttwipe little town, the only gay in the village, where almost everyone else gets married straight out of high school....Get the hell out of there!

    Most of the others have congregated in some trendy little inner city suburb of a big vibrant city
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  20. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    How does someone being gay affect me? Trangender? I can't think of a single reason, but then I don't wish to foist religous beliefs on others. When is the struggle for individual rights going to end? Probably never, as some groups of people just can't seem to keep their noses where they belong--that is--minding their own beeswax. Whoda' thunk it, that in 2016
    these phony laws would be an issue at all?
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