I did feel bad for Tom hanks character in that film at the end when his wife was with someone else. It's hard not hate the hobag but from her point you think your husband has been dead for several years. How long do you wait? I would probably not hate my wife if she did this to me, but I feel I'd definitely want to kill the new girl. I think I'm a special wife to my wife and if someone else sparked her the same way I did.. Yep, I'm gonna have to kill them.
I only know him as Burke. And he was a weasil coward in that movie. Funny how characters do that lol. He'll always be Carter Burke the little weasil who tried to get an alien on board.
i think it was mostly just a cheesy gimmick because the writers weren't very creative. although when looking up that pic, i learned that there's a whole bunch of fan theories about him, including him being god, a lessor god, reincarnated, and the father of jason voorhees.