You will never be the same again...but don't worry, we all get used to it..just beware of people who are pretending to be animals...whhahhhaaaa..welcome ;-)
you passed the first hurdle of picking a short screen name that doesn't the example above lol second advice.....posting in all the ''i fuck in groups'' kinky bullshit threads all at the same time will show up on the main page and then everyone normal pretty much will write you off as short timer cause those people that break 1 and 2 NEVER come back.....
I like iamher, I'm just getting started on this site. I have attempted to post several times but have been unsuccessful. Any suggestions as how I might go about posting?
you are telling me with a post that you are having trouble posting i will guess you mean a new topic? there is a button at the top of all the main sub pages cleverly disguised with the words ''new topic''... i'm in Canada so for me it is in the upper right...if you are down under i think its opposite