New to shrooms

Discussion in 'Magic Mushrooms' started by speckofdust, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. speckofdust

    speckofdust Guest

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    This is a little embarrassing for me to share, as I've never really told anyone about it. I have been doing a lot of off-hand research on psychoactive drugs as of late, mostly because of a certain happening. A few months ago, after coming home to relax after work, I lit up and I experienced what a lot of people refer to as a 'spiritual awakening'. At this point, I'd been smoking pot for about two years, so this occurrence was very unexpected. Being that is was induced by marijuana, there were no visions, no hallucinations or anything--just sudden realizations about the grand scheme of things.

    Since then, I've just had random thoughts of clarity and feelings of 'oneness' just sort of popping up in my mind while high. Usually when this occurs, I write my thoughts down before I lose them. I then do a little digging on the internet for similar ideas, and I have surprisingly found a lot of information (scientific in most cases) that support my thoughts. I find it equally interesting that these thoughts I have occur without any predispositions or former knowledge of the ideas. Completely new and unbiased information of everything, if you will.

    I tend to type a bit out of even my own element sometimes, so I apologize if there's any confusion. Anyway, that is where I currently am on exploring this. My intentions for shrooms are to just see if I can open the door a little further and see what I can find on the other side, or if there's anything substantial to what I've been experiencing. I don't want to play around with it, as I know this is something that demands a little more respect than marijuana.

    I was wondering if anyone might give me some tips on what to expect with shrooms, what you personally experienced, and what you thought of your trip. Did you feel that your experience was just a side effect of the shrooms, or was is something deeper?
  2. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    What to expect: the unexpected.

    Experiences range from intense emotional bitchslappings to feeling completely lost and alone on a cosmic scale, to ecstatic, homegrown bliss.. sometimes all in the same trip, and I'm grateful for every little moment I've spent with fungi.

    Your last question's a funny one, because I'd say it's both. Psychedelics just nuke your preconceptions about the world, you're the one that has to put things together. When I first started tripping, I thought psychedelics were the ultimate key to enlightenment.. and they're really not. I've found they can be just as much of a hindrance as a help if you place too much weight on the experience, although it's ultimately up to you as to what feels right and what doesn't. This is just my POV.

    But yeah, create as much of a streamlined environment for yourself as possible. No phones, no annoying motherfuckers, no almost annoying motherfuckers, no responsibilities, 2 free days(1 for the trip, 1 for a chill the day after), your favourite music, ambient lighting(a lot of people like pitch black for mushrooms, I've haven't tried this yet).. and have a little tidy up.

    None of these are necessary for you to trip.. you can just eat the mushrooms in a club, not that I'd recommend it. The point is to aim for a Gestalt environment if you'd like to get the most out of your trip. Light some incense, meditate, chill.. it can be a little ritualistic, but those rituals move you into a more receptive state of mind before you even ingest the drug. It's something to play around with though, so just go in with an open mind and adjust as you see fit.
  3. Grainpsilo

    Grainpsilo Member

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    You will feel a wellspring of engery radiating from your core..... Your thoughts will be deep and insightful but will come into your mind like a water from a firehose and it will be hard to hold onto and analyze them before the next batch come flooding out of you.

    You will get closed eye geometric visions at first........ And depending on how many you took this will continue in intensity until you have open eye visuals as well.

    Best advice i can give is recorder your ramblings so you can analyze them later, find a comfy place to sit or lay down that you feel safe in. Set and setting are very important to ensure a good trip.... If you feel paranoid in the place of who you are with this can cause the trip to turn sour.

    Every trip is different so this is all just generic advice
  4. SpaceTrippin

    SpaceTrippin Banned

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    Well throw your pot ideas out the window
    boomers are a totally different experience man I been doin them for 40 years and I still find it hard to explain to the unexperienced ... maybe listen to Jimi might help a bit
  5. AnaRchic

    AnaRchic Guest

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    Shrooms will seriously dissolve boundaries in your mind, if you let them. The key is to approach them with respect and intention. If you are seeking a bit of enlightenment, go into the experience with that intention.

    Eat somewhere between 1.7 and 3.5 grams for a solid experience. The major thing that shrooms have done for me is they have allowed me to see through what I call the human game. The routines and preconceptions of civilized humans lose their pretense of reality, and I've come to catch glimpses of the bigger picture.

    Shrooms have also opened me up to understanding my true identity; oneness. I now recognize my ego as merely a mental construct and not the real "me". There is no separation between self and other anymore than there is between light and darkness, up and down, left and right, etc. All that exist exists co-dependently, and beneath apparent separation is ultimate unity. Yin and Yang.

    The key in this kind of journey is to let go of your preconceptions, approach the mushrooms with a clear intention, take them in a relaxed situation and with a positive mental state, and above all, do not fight the mushrooms but let go and let them take you where they are going to take you. If you fight it, you will have a bad trip, if you go with it, you will experience something truly amazing.

    Best of luck, I hope you get a taste of what you're looking for.

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