Not new but new to me. “Longmire” What a great freaking show. Watched 3 seasons just this week! Only 3 seasons left and that’s it. They cancelled the show! What a shame...
Is it a western--as in horses and cowboys and such? I just finished HELL ON WHEELS , which I enjoyed----
I love westerns... but haven't seen either of these above. Now I have something to check out and see what's what PS - The Hateful Eight was the last 'new' western I have seen, and enjoyed it greatly...stellar performances, and interesting back chatter about the guitar destroyed on set. (by mistake). I just loved how they'd struggle with the door and nail it shut to keep out the snow storm. But it is was what was inside that was the 'real' danger.
I watched about half of an episode---couldn't decide if I wanteedto stick with it or not. But again--Hell O W is well worth it.
Hell on Wheels had one of the most hateful motherfuckers I've had the joy of hating!! I found myself actually hollering--"kill him ---kill the sonuvabitch NOW!!