New Thought Crimes Will Get You Kicked out of UK

Discussion in 'U.K.' started by skip, Aug 24, 2005.

  1. Claire

    Claire Senior Member

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  2. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Ah, so if I had admitted to some kind of "misbehaviours", you would indeed feel compelled (as part of your job?) to report me?

    Hey, I have a GREAT idea, why don't I setup an Interrogation Forum? A place where you and the other undercover police on this site can just haul in our members and interrogate them about their activities, who they know, what they are thinking, etc.

    And if you don't like their answers, we'll have an Abu Gahraib forum where you can hold them for as long as you like without charge, without recourse, and of course they're NOT allowed to post there at all. And I'll link it to our new Abu Gahraib gallery where you can post up pix of you guys torturing our members. I think that might be very popular!

    Anything else you'd like us to do to make your job easier and more fun?
  3. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Um, isn't that exactly what this new law is doing? That's the point of this thread.
  4. HappyHippySoldierBoy

    HappyHippySoldierBoy Banned

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    Either you've lost ME or you've lost IT.
  5. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Here's the rest of the quote.

    Blair & his government are "modern Christians", and this new law amounts to a "fatwa for speaking out of line", that now brings us closer to "Islamic nations" that supposedly have "far less freedom of speech."

    Does it not?
  6. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

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    'Part of my job' hahahaha NO.. i was just messing with you, it just proves that your irate pseudo oppresed stance within this thread is overblown . Get over yourself already.
  7. HappyHippySoldierBoy

    HappyHippySoldierBoy Banned

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    To my knowledge, Blair's government do not issue death warrents??? I know that isn't what most fatwa's are (despite news coverage of them in this country), but there have been many many fatwa's issued against both muslims & non-muslims for simply excercising freedom of speech.

    What the fuck do you mean "supposedly???!!! Are you honestly suggesting that under Sharia we'd all be freer??!
    The current legislation is open to abuse, but it IS there to protect us against the large number of mulims who want the whole world to live under sharia. For fuck sake, these countries still stone people to death.
    I am not racist, but, I fear that Sharia is a real threat to all people of the world. IT allows un-elected individuals into positions of power from which they can rant and murder in a contest to say who is the holiest.
    As for our laws, well, they're a great idea. We've got too many muslim cleric "poster children" in this country, preaching hatred and intolerance via their interpretation of islamic faith. These people NEED to be dealt with, and if this new legislation is what's needed to tackle them, then so be it.

    As for you, coming in here accusing the British people of being sheep, swinging around your cock like you're some kind of revoloutionary messiah; bollocks! The people on the uk forum know their shit a lot better that you seem to think. Why else would we all be here.
    So, stop fucking preaching to the converted and go and take a look at your own fucked up country. There are a lot more people there that need your "incredible wisdom".
  8. Zonk

    Zonk Banned

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  9. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

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    I think the bands name is Phis ;)
  10. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    "So, stop fucking preaching to the converted and go and take a look at your own fucked up country. There are a lot more people there that need your "incredible wisdom".

    Guess you've never visited the America Attacks forum. You think the UK is immune from criticism?
  11. Claire

    Claire Senior Member

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  12. DoktorAtomik

    DoktorAtomik Closed For Business

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    I don't think anyone cares whether our government gets criticised. I think the problem arose from the confusion over whether he was attacking the government or the citizens. Fuck knows, I'd be first to line up and call the government the cunts they are.
  13. Claire

    Claire Senior Member

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  14. WayfaringStranger

    WayfaringStranger Corporate Slave #34

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    most americans did not want to go to war skip. thats all propaganda.we did have many protests early on, the protesters were fenced into 'free speech zones' and then they open fired on us. may have been rubber bullets, teargas and what not, but there were mass protests, there were deaths. no protests were covered by the media, as the riot police removed all media and or cameras in the days prior to them. you can blame brits or americans for not stopping 'them', but why didnt you stop 'them' first. we're all in this same boat together, some more ignorant to it than others, but we all want the same thing. patriot act and the anti-thinking law seem similar, and of course they have nothing to do with counter terrorism, they are groundwork for increases oppression and govt terrorism. i dont think it can be stopped. so im not going to try to stop it. im going to try to not think about it. i thinkn its best to stick together and work on creative ways of protecting ourselves and our free-thought and free-will, and educating eachother, instead of name calling or whining.
    thank you by the way for the heads up on thought crimes though, its very useful info.
  15. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Eggzactily. I say if the shoe fits. That's why I don't understand why people get offended. You know what you did, and how you feel, and if it doesn't apply to you then it doesn't. For example, why feel offended if some describes an immoral act which you did not commit?

    It's like they expect me to name the names of everyone in the UK, who supported the immoral acts of their gov't. How am I supposed to know exactly who did what? But if a government gets away with it, then there are a LOT of people in that country who bear responsibility, but OBVIOUSLY not everyone. But I'm not going to qualify EVERY statement I make, when such qualifications should be OBVIOUS.
  16. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    I just had this EXACT same problem in the Amsterdam forum with the Dutch. I made a thread about how there was this expression that a lot of young Dutch were now using (and others) - "If it ain't dutch, it ain't much", and tried to explain how this could be seen as a racist statement. I was attacked by most of the Dutch who took it personally - even tho they never said these words themselves and didn't even know what it meant.

    I'm an American and I criticise Americans constantly. Yet I never feel personally attacked when people criticise America because I don't relate to any country like that (I also don't live there, but that's besides the point).

    It's an indication of how Nationalistic people are, when they take personally something that is described as a general tendency of people in their country. A good example would be the statement "americans are fat". OBVIOUSLY all Americans aren't, but recent reports indicate something like 75% are overweight or obese, so it's a fair statement to make. And if don't apply to YOU then why take offense?

    But nationalism IS a disease that is spread through a lifetime of propaganda, thru such statements as "if it ain't dutch, it ain't much". And that was my point which no one addressed.
  17. natural23

    natural23 Senior Member

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    Often, folks do not understand the subtlety or "basic elements" that drive repressed, reactionary and nationalistic thought; hiding from the self, hiding from responsibility, is really what this is about. In a directly related manner, issues arising from these "basic elements" exist in dynamic relationship with corporate and governmental corruptions and propoganda, each one supporting the other. The battles that we see now are strongly rooted in these factors, and it is essential the leaders and citizens of wisdom be aware of both the immediate realities of our present situations and the realities of these "roots" without erring to dishonesty or corruption. One problem in this situation is that it is, generally, easier to destroy and, generally, more difficult to heal. Look and see that negotiation and dialouge will often decay into violence or some form of disruption when trying to communicate intelligently about issues where there are strong sensitivities; faith in the process of dialouge and healthy, non-repressive, resopnses to truth and realization are essential. We are moving into, we are in, an era where there will be, and is, respectively, great difficulty because of reactionary 'followers' and conformists who are not openly and honestly thinking about issues of great importance. The reason that our freedoms are being 'chipped away at' is because of systemic denial that distills down to large groups of individuals who are largely unquestioning of, and under the influence of, large corporate and governmental entities. The true patriot understands that truthfulness with the self, and as it legitimately motivates action, and as it may see beyond any document or law, combined with loyalty to our guiding principles, the Constitution and those others both written and unwritten, are of profound importance to the continued survival and advancement of freedom; but take away our right to speak, take away our right to disagree, let alone to think, and most all is lost.

  18. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Natural 23, I agree with your statements.

    I find it interesting that some people react with hostility to their "homeland" being criticized and attempt to silence those who criticise, yet feel free themselves to sling mud against their government.

    You are right that there are important issues underlying this attitude that reflect a deep programming and a resistance to dealing with the underlying concepts upon which a society is based.

    I tried to point out that everyone is responsible for what their government does to varying degrees. Unless those who feel strongly that their government is on the wrong path and undermining human rights, take responsibility and act accordingly, nothing will change.

    This responsibility is more than most people are willing to accept. If you go out and protest along with a million other souls and your government still goes against the wishes of the protesters, then you must do more.

    Look at Spain. They too protested against the war in Iraq, before their country got involved, and then when Spain conspired with the US to invade Iraq, they continued protesting. They didn't suddenly say, "well now we must support our troops" and think "well that means we must stop protesting now".

    No instead they continued to march and protest in ever increasing numbers. And as their government continued to ignore their pleas they got ever more active, ever more organized, and ever more effective, eventually voting out their government and bringing home their troops.

    The Spanish have proven that protest does work, but you have to keep at it, and not let the propaganda lull you into complacency. You can support the troops AND protest, too! You CAN make a difference! Of course your government would have you believe otherwise, but you gave them power, you can take it away too. Just don't give up!
  19. natural23

    natural23 Senior Member

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    Good to hear some sensible words, thanks. There are many in this country (USA) who would try to hurt another for expressing an opposing or "different" opinion; a truly profound shame considering the nature of our Constitution, considering the nature of what we are and consdiering the nature of our oppourtunity and responsibility.

    Once I was deeply impressed upon hearing a soldier in Iraq being interviewed; this soldier who was clearly 'open' and intelligent, a soldier who clearly understood the stated ideal of our freedom of expression and our freedom to associate, and a soldier who knew his duty, when asked, "how do you feel being over here [in Iraq] and knowing that people in the 'states' are protesting what you are doing?" and he answered [paraphrased]; "my job as a soldier is to protect the very rights that those people who are protesting are exercising, this is their right and I have no problem with it whatsoever."

    The argument that we should not engage in discourse, that we should, in essence, shut down discourse, that we should just 'go with it' and not carry on discourse is a preverted political ploy in order to protect the present administration from mass criticism. Moreover, I believe, that there are dangerous pathological conditions at work here; that these folks are in many ways powerful but also have been entrained into corruption and corrupt practices that they are not entirely aware about; and as we have seen, in these cycles of human advancement, in order to not face the truth or change these people have variety of reactions which include the lowest of human qualities. Given the age we live in and other possible flaws in the reference: they might a bit like Saul becoming Paul of Tarsus if they where to be honest; so odd that such a reward awaits, so close and yet so far away.




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