new system hates students

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by ihmurria, Sep 8, 2005.

  1. ihmurria

    ihmurria fini

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    our school set up a new registration system, online and stuff this year (yeah, we're behind the times, it had been by phone up til this summer). Everyone's trying to doublecheck where their classes are cuz a bunch changed this week, and they aren't printing off a hardcopy anymroe, but the system has been down for like two days now, off and on. Hah, suckers
  2. ihmurria

    ihmurria fini

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    why are you such a dumbass?

    if I make a bad or unintelligable post, or anyone else does, just let it die off. I'm used to no one responding to my threads, it's random thoughts, I felt like gloating over all the fools who are dependent on our reg system to find out where their classes are because they weren't smart enough to look it up ahead of time.
  3. Oh So strangE indeeD

    Oh So strangE indeeD Member

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    the new scheduling system in my school is messed to. it sucks so bad because no one knows where they are and they changed lunch shifts and its rediculous.
  4. Insomniac_devi

    Insomniac_devi Beast Toast

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    Man, at least you get to register online, my school still makes up come in, look up the classes we need, write out what schedule we want from a list of days to choose from, and then we have to take it to the people in charge so they can put it in the system and print it out for us. Of course, they're all lazy bastards, so I shouldn't be surprised.
  5. fitzy21

    fitzy21 Worst RT Mod EVAH!!!!

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    yea, my school switched over to use the computer for a lot of things. no hard copies of my schedule or a lot of other things. some of the stuff on the computer is pretty cool though...i can do a "what if" type thing and it'll take all my classes that i hvae taken so far and if i want to change majors it'll tell me which classes will be accpeted for that major and which ones won't.

    yea, i'm thinking of swicthing from economics and finance to physical education of atheletic trainer....
  6. ihmurria

    ihmurria fini

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    [​IMG] you have to write crap out? Jeez, and I thought the phone systems were old. I do miss USTAR Bob though.... one guy did the voiceovers for all the phone thing, he sounded so monotone and bored all my friends and i called him Ustar Bob. Then I had the prof who did the voice stuff for a teacher in an introductory comp sci class the year they were changing over. (er, USTAR was the name of hte phone program that we registered with)
  7. psyche

    psyche fun for the whole family

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    when i registered at college i was shocked at how easy it was. i was like, that's it i'm in? wtf? then i was all paranoid i didn't do it right but sure enough my name was on the list. it just seemed too easy... that sucks your school is switching it up though, i'd be pissed if one of my classes got cancelled and i had to rearrange..
  8. fitzy21

    fitzy21 Worst RT Mod EVAH!!!!

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    yea, they fucked up my classes last semester...they changed classes around for some reason. they put me with an english teacher who i hate and failed a class with. i had to drop that class and add another class and guess what...i ended up with my original schedule that i had the 1st time before changes were made. i dont' know why they changed it, something must hve happend in the computers...but i was really pissed.
  9. Insomniac_devi

    Insomniac_devi Beast Toast

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    Also, if we managed to miss our deadline for registering, we have to pay a $50 fee.

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