New Study Confirms Sea Surface Temperatures Are Warming Faster Than Previously Thought

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by Openmind693, Jan 5, 2017.

  1. Openmind693

    Openmind693 Members

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    The Trumpateers aren't going to like this new study!
  2. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    They wouldn't believe it.
  3. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Ok, but give me a figure on how many tons of greenhouse gases per year everyone on the planet needs to get back to in order to reverse climate change
    Then maybe a few suggestions on how the hell you get everyone in the world to agree.

    That is, provide answers
  4. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    good luck growing foods and tending to livestock during global cooling..
  5. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    That water needs to be a bit warmer anyway!
  6. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Head, meet wall
  7. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Manmade global warming is a hoax. Its proponents use a very, very, very short span of time since the weather has actually been recorded to say that correlation equals causation. All one has to do is look at studies of Antarctic ice core samples to see that there were times throughout earth's incredibly long history when CO2 levels were much higher yet the temperatures were a whole lot colder.

    That is not to say there are not real man made environmental issues like pollution, deforestation, overfishing, etc.

    The fact is, manmade global warming is a con of the world's wealthy elite to promote carbon taxes while gaining further control of the world's natural resources that belong ultimately to us -- not them.

    The people at the forefront of the climate change SCAM are some of the world's richest and most powerful people, who just so happen to ironically be the same people causing the most destruction to the planet.
  8. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    Nothing will ever be done until viable alternatives to fossil fuels are developed. There's really nothing much any of the governments of the world can do about that, except for funding basic research into the problem, something that the conservatives in congress (and their lobbyist buddies), states that rely on coal mining, and oil producing countries probably won't like. Wind and solar power have their place but the fact is that they are poor sources of energy, at least on the scale that society uses. Nuclear is a good option except for the waste that it produces, but at least that waste is contained and doesn't contribute to climate change. (Of course we have to figure out how and where to keep that waste for the next few thousand years.)

    Then, of course, there is the fusion option. I'm not a nuclear physicist so I can't say whether or not that it will ever work, but given the potential benefits, in my opinion, we need to be spending a lot more time and money on the effort to make it a reality. Then again, maybe the old saying is true: fusion power is just 20 years away and it always will be.

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