New Sternum Piercing

Discussion in 'Body Modification' started by ScorpioLady11, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. ScorpioLady11

    ScorpioLady11 Members

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    Didn't hurt at all when it was done. Feeling a bit bruised now. Looks awesome.
  2. ScorpioLady11

    ScorpioLady11 Members

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  3. lydiaanne100

    lydiaanne100 Members

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    Okay, I need help here please
    I made a septum piercing and my nose isn't pierced either. I'm 19 and will be 20 in 3 1/2 weeks, I had my fake piercing in today and my mom thinks that a piercing like that will lead to sex and drugs and etc. How in the world will a piercing lead to sex and drugs? I'm a good girl, not rebellion or anything, I just want the piercing, so can anyone tell me how this will lead to sex and drugs? Cause I'm confused.

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