Things are moving in such a lovely direction in this country. But I am sure it's only to stop ISIS terrorists and won't ever be used against this country's own citizens. Full article at:
I still want the "X-Ray glasses" they sell in the back of comic books,, It'd be cool to go to the store wearing "shades", staring at stealth boobage under the overclothes
I suppose you could make a few manikins with electrically heated suits to throw off their radar. Oh, wait,, IR and radar,,,hmmm,,not the same
One can not be paranoid without being part of the "herd".... You who are frightened by this radar really have some serious issues. Why is it going to be used on you? Got something to hide? Maybe you guys need to get back on your meds.
Well,,they're definitely coming for PR. No doubt. He's behind a lot of terrible posts,,lol Me,,I've taken to wearing protective foil on my whanger,,
ok theres 2 airports. one airport xrays everyone makes them take of their shoes and basically has a bunch of pain in the ass procedures to ensure everyones safety. the second airport just respects everyones privacy, and lets them onboard without question. which airport do you feel safer in? where da reptilians at? <- my new catch phrase, hate on it!
There is a big difference between the security measures of today, the security measures of 20 years ago, and no security measures at all.
No fucking shit. The fact is it's being given to local law enforcement agencies when before it was something only the military had... supposedly.
The police presence is more prominent than ever, I do believe the whole country could be locked down if need be. Even small towns now have tactical vehicles. The police state is upon us but no one cares. Its all a progression.