New Physics Theory That May Explain The Origin Of Life

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by egger, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. egger

    egger Member

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  2. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    We have differeing definitions of "new"
  3. egger

    egger Member

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    An article that describes maximum entropy production principle and how it applies to biological evolution. Free pdf.

    Maximum entropy production principle in physics, chemistry and biology
    L.M. Martyushev
    Vladimir. Dmitrievich. Seleznev

    From the paper:

    The main conclusion of those studies is that the heat production indeed decreases at separate stages of the ontogenesis (if early stages of development are excluded), but a sharp increase in the heat production is observed during the biological evolution (phylogenesis) and development of a civilization. Studies by Zotin represent a good illustration and extension of Lotka’s principle and, therefore, we shall briefly describe some interesting results. According to Zotin, the temperature inevitably rises as the energy exchange increases, leading to denaturation of proteins. The nature copes with this problem first by appearance of heat regulation in animals and then by the coming of the man. The man began to use energy sources not only inside, but also outside the organism, such as combustible materials and fire, and, lately, the atomic energy (i.e. Q increases permanently). Thus, the appearance of the man and the development of the civilization may be viewed as a consequence of Lotka’s principle and MEPP. If the man did not appear during the evolution, some species would occupy his place sooner or later. The development of the civilization is accompanied by the exponential increase in the energy production [184], which should certainly lead to an ecological catastrophe on the Earth. The increase in the energy consumption cannot be stopped (since it is an objective law of the nature) and, therefore, the mankind will have, in order to survive, to place the energy production and consumption to the outer space [182,183]."
  4. egger

    egger Member

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    Figure 2.5 on page 30 of Chapter 2 of the following book depicting the increasing energy flow per unit mass of systems that have evolved in the universe.

    Non- equilibrium Thermodynamics and the Production of Entropy
    Life, Earth, and Beyond
    A. Kleidon and R.D. Lorenz (Eds.)
    ISBN 3-540-22495-5 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York
    Library of Congress Control Number: 2004108637
    Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005


    "Consider society and its cultural evolution. Once again, we can trace social progress in terms of normalized energy consumption for a variety of human-related advances among our hominid ancestors. Quantitatively, that same energy rate density increases from hunter-gatherers of a million years ago (Φm ~10^4 erg/s/g), to agriculturists of several thousand years ago (~10^5), to industrialists of contemporary times (~10^6) . Again, a whole host of energy per unit mass values can be used to track ancestral evolution, a highly averaged value of which today derives from 6 billion inhabitants needing 18 TW of energy to keep our technological culture fueled and operating, thus Φm nearing 10^6 erg/s/g, and sometimes exceeding that for specialized energy needs (again, see Chaisson 2001, for a whole host of examples, many of which are plotted in Fig. 2.5). And here, along the path to civilization, as well as among the bricks, machines, and chips we’ve built, energy is a principal driver. Energy rate density continues rising with the increasing complexity of today’s gadget-rich society."


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    Last edited: Jun 18, 2019
  5. This is old news. It's an interesting theory, though.

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