Hello everyone. I am new to the forum but not new to nudisim. It all started back when I was younger and my parents would go out of town a lot. I would stay naked and would go naked in the back yard at night quite a bit. Nothing like looking at the stars and feeling the night breeze completely naked. A few times I got braver and walked around naked at night. Now I have my own place and stay in my birthday suit. I only wear clothes when I leave. Unfortunately I have an apartment and really miss going outside completely naked so I'm a home nudist for the time being. I see no point in wearing clothes at home. I don't feel like me covered up if that makes since. It is the ultimate freedom. When i do have to wear clothes for work or something im always pulling on them. Glad to see there are so many other people who love being naked.
Hello and welcome. I’m like you. Always naked when chilling out at home and constantly daydreaming of getting naked when I have to go out wearing clothes!
Hello and welcome to HF. I too live my life as naked as possible . Always nude at home and fortunately I can also be nude in my yard and garage. My wife is OK with it being she is a social nudist and goes to the nude resorts too with me
It is. My wife used to join me at nude resorts but isn’t into it any more. So now I’m...well....you know.
Hi, Alice here. I love to go nude on my farm and the Farm where I work! Just too cold for me this time of the year ! So I have my coffee sitting in front of the fireplace nude every morning before sunrise and going to work !
I grew up in a very open house that cloths on or off was not a big deal. When we went camping we always were naked. I grew up with 3 brothers. I was the only sister and it never was an issue Even tho I live with a roommate I still do once and a while and camping trips alway end up naked with no matter who.
My family is also very open about nudism. I'm almost always naked at home, in the car and on camping trips too!!
My mom and I are both nudists and are usually naked at home. We've been to Haul over beach a couple times, but I would love to visit a nudist resort. Do you have any suggestions?
Hi and Welcome, I'm Jane and new to the forum too! I'm a country nudist here in the back woods of Arkansas with my fam lol, hoping to learn how y'alls, I guess ours actually, living styles can help make ours more fun, enjoyable and whatever
I'm nude when ever I can be. I'm nude most times at home and only dress to go out in public. In the summer if I'm out in public I only wear shorts, t-shirt and flip flops. I have driven nude a few times early mornings or late night.