Post here to apply for this position or recommend someone. I like to recommend either myself and/or someone else. Love, bird.
thank you tree_hugger (ang)... i really do think i would make a good mod. because i have time to be here, i am fair... dont worry about the petty shit and even tho i used to act kinda immature on here, i have learned from it. i also know a lot about the site and the rules and think i could do it good.
I remember you locked one of your threads in your private forum because you disagreed with me. I think that would make you a bad moderator.
well, i re-opened topic.... so people could discuss (in which you never came back to discuss) plus it was a touchy subject. it was my PRIVATE personal forum, not a public one... i could have DELETED it but i did not. i felt it had gone off-topic but it was my perogative there. i feel you are biased about me and that's fine. go on with your games.
How about this.....Trish and I can comoderate. I'm just kidding. I'm voting for Interval, not you peace, or you bird. Bird you would make things too strict.
Because I enjoy everything in life in moderation - I elect myself as moderator. There are many eligible people to join in. Angela and Trish, you are more than welcome to sign up - a great commitee we would be.
~ What the fuck?!?!?! I would be the perfect moderator, I would only ban people based on their looks and delete posts I do not like to read and/or are too long.