Remember when acupuncture and acupressure was considered "quakery" ? Now it is a solid part of conventional medicine. In most european countries , conventional doctors already send their patients to "acupuncture" therapy. Remember when "meridians" were considered quakery ? The existence of "meridians" - which only a few years ago was considered "absurd nonsense" has been acknowledged by science and conventional medicine. Meridians are energy ducts which run through the whole body, they can not be seen but they can be measured. Measured by nowadays sophisticated devices. Also: Iridology - the science of eye interpretation has already become an integral part of conventional medicine. All these so called "new discoveries" has been known to ayurveda for over 7000 years. It seems like modern medicine, which has been doomed to fail within the past 100 years of his existence, is going a new direction towards the so called "new medicine". This will be a new era where humans will be viewed and treated as 1 hollistic entity rather than merely dealing with surpressing symptoms (diseases). namaste
Indeed. Modern medicine will be abandoned. Who needs it when you have discovered the solution called accupunture! Sure got rid of my hemorrhoids
Acupuncture and stuff aren't new medicine. They are old medicine. They are effective, yes. But it's not about rejecting the modern medicine. The modern medicine isn't necessarily bad, but it's merely something that can be bad when you don't use it right. For that matter, the same can be said about the old medicine like acupuncture.
i never said acupuncture is new medicine, please read before posting, here is what i wrote again: "All these so called "new discoveries" has been known to ayurveda for over 7000 years."
I stand corrected, but the title of this thread is misleading. But you've also stated that the modern medicine is doomed to fail, and I don't agree. I mean, I don't agree with a lot of the modern medicine myself, don't get me wrong. But there are some areas where the modern medicine has gotten right because of the advancement of medical technology. The fact that we can cure so many diseases in the modern world is a proof of that.
yep , i meant that merely treating the symptoms of diseases failed, rather the root causes should be adressed, as they are in ayurveda etc
there is 2 types of medicine : hollistic medicine (eg ayurveda, shiatsu etc) which has been around for ages, in written form around 7000 years. Amazing how these people at that time knew everything . It addresses the root causes of diseases rather than merely supressing the symptoms. The human being - as a whole - is being analyzed when treated. Areas like eyes,nose,throat,mind are not viewed as seperate entities - as is the case in conventional medicine- but rather as coherent. conventional medicine: which has been around for about 100 years, the big pharma industry is its backbone. Number 1 priority is making profit . Healing the patient is Number 2 priority. It is more concerned about supressing the symptoms which - longterm - is failing. Because the symtoms will come back but even worse. Eg: cutting off a tumor and re-appearing at another spot.
Very true, but conventional doctors must be trusted to refer patients who can be realistically helped. Clearly, paramedics could not be left to deliver a heart attack patient or the victim of a road crash to an alternative therapist, but that does not mean that they cannot help further down the road to recovery. When you raised a similar subject on a previous thread. a member gave me details of clinics in London who he thought my be able to help our son with a knee condition. I spoke to his consultant, who said that both a cartilage and muscle are torn, neither of which cannot be corrected by acupuncture. However he did not rule out acupuncture to help the rest of his leg return to normality following surgery. We all need to talk to our doctors more. Part of the problem is that when we visit a doctor, most people expect a bottle of pills and a miracle. More and more doctors are combating this trend by simply giving the patient a few analgesic and vitamin pills, rather than needless antibiotics that lower the bodies natural immunity and kill all the 'good' bacteria.
Genetic illness cannot be treated holistic.. in fact modern medicine has resulted in some genetic illness being supressed up the point that people with these illness, are now living longer! And having a fulfilling life.. At the moment im helping with the release of a new drug in the UK which the government say is too expensive, yet will help children with CF live longer and have a better life...
If you wish, you can sign the petition! Thankyou if you do.. Petition: Make Orkambi available on the NHS for people with Cystic Fibrosis
No one is suggesting that conventional cures do not have their place in modern medicine. The very pants that they come from are still used in medicines today. However what use would they be when repairing a torn mitral heart valve during open heart surgery. What do you suggest we do when a biopsy confirms a malignant tumor.???? I spent what was probably the most harrowing 36 hours of my life watching a 9 year old girl die as all attempts to remove a tumor eating into one of the lobes of her brain failed to restore the blood supply. I was not on the medical team and I was only in theater because the girl was Jane's youngest sister.
No one? It is implied in the OP that modern medicine as a whole is doomed to fail because of how it developed in the last 100 years. Many conventional doctors look at their patients in a similar way. Looking at the cause and how to solve it. It's pretty lame how this guy generalizes stuff in a nonsensical way.
i have named this thread "new medicine" because there is a trend already moving towards that direction , they call it "newmedicine" . The German New Medicine
here is an extract of the "new medicine" website: " That there is a connection between the psyche and disease is neither a new discovery, nor is it Dr. Hamer’s discovery. To quote Dr. Hamer: "Through the millennia, humanity has more or less consciously known that all diseases ultimately have a psychic origin and it became a "scientific" asset firmly anchored in the inheritance of universal knowledge; it is only modern medicine that has turned our animated beings into a bag full of chemical formulas." Welcome to Dr. Hamer’s page on The German New Medicine. If this is your first visit, the following will serve as a short introduction: Twenty years ago, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, a German doctor with his own practice in Rome, Italy, received a call in the middle of the night. His 17-year old son had been shot while on holiday in the Mediterranean. Three months later, Dirk died and shortly after, Dr. Hamer, who had been healthy all his life, but who was utterly devastated by this catastrophe, found he had testicular cancer. Rather suspicious about this coincidence, he set about doing research on the personal histories of cancer patients to see whether they had suffered some shock, distress or trauma before their illness. In time, after extensive research of thousands of patients, Dr. Hamer was finally able to conclude that disease is only brought about by a shock for which we are totally unprepared. This last point is very important. If we can in any way be prepared for the shocking event, we will not become ill. In fact, Dr. Hamer does not like to say ‘cancer’. Rather, it is a special biological response to an unusual situation, and when the ‘shock’ situation is resolved, the body sets about returning to normality. This is a very simplified account, of course. The books explain in detail the complete process."
i agree! conventional medicine has its place! for example if somebody is about to die of blood-loss,schock shortly after an accident, they are able to make miracles work. They are also great at re-viving people. That is: bringing people back to life. That is a great result of todays technological-scientific development. I agree. They are also great at reconstructional surgery, meaning that after an accident, injury they are able to restore you in an asthetically pleasing way. Sometimes even without people noticing it. That is also a great result of todays technological development.
yep, that is because hollistic medicine does not recognize any "genetic illness" .They say there is no such thing as a "genetic disease". I also believe so. And please dont view them as stupid etc , they are also people like you. And they are just as inteligent as other doctors. They just view it in a different way. Ayurveda has been around for over 7000 years and they are certainly not stupid. They knew about meridians, acupuncture, gallstones, yoga and the importance of meditation etc way back that time. They have passed that knowledge from one generation onto another. Meaning it must have been succesfull otherwise it would not have been passed on all these years. I rather trust a 7000 year old science than a 100 year old "science" which is mostly sponsored by the pharma industry. Lets not forget that conventional doctors are - even before they finished their study - sponsored/taught by the pharma industry. Big Pharma even sponsors medical universities. My brother is a medical doctor by the way ;-)