Hi! My name is Valerie! I am 30 years old, lesbian, and have been out for about 10 years! I am the mother of a beautiful 9 year old little lady, and I'm currently in a relationship with one of the sweetest, gentlest, most loving, generous and honest women I have ever met. We've been together for nearly 3 years now and I've never been more in love with anyone than I am with her. <3 I work and manage an organic farm, growing yummy food and medicine for people. <3 So nice to be here with you all! I've attached a photo so you can put a face to the name. I'm the one on the left in the white coat.
Hello! Nice to see you.....and you look like a beautiful lady and sound like you have a sweet soul, too.
Your new avatar is beautiful, valerie! You look sunkissed and your head pose reminds me of my parakeet as he turns his head sideways when i talk to him....Birds are so cute when they do that........ Where is you farm?