Hi My name is Mats Sederholm living in Sweden.. I'm a writer, speaker and chronicler and a system critics who, for the past 20 years, have been analyzing the power structures and standards of the West - my driving force is a strong belief in humanity and in a kinder society. Personal political opinion: None, left the ordinary left to right or democratic to republic span of political identities 15 years ago as politicians are administrators of status quo rather than visionary and I want a change.
Greetings mseder, that is a very interesting introduction. There is much to analyze, this site is an interesting reflection of the last 20 years if you care to take some time and look about. We hope you enjoy time here
Hail and Welcome Mats - Education is a vital element in Development - although one should always be mindful of structures both historical and ideologically - which include all directions
I Have Been Led To Believe The "Flat Earth" Theory Was Debunked Hundreds Of Years Ago....... Cheers Glen.