New Hampshire’s House of Representatives on Wednesday approved legalizing marijuana for recreational use, making it the first state legislative chamber ever to do so. The governor of New Hampshire has said that she will veto the legalization of marijuana. Let's all hope that if she does and it goes back in front of the House of Representatives that her veto get's overturned.
For once you have a choice to be on the right side of history, and you're ready to blow it. Thank you Maggie Hassan. Ironically enough, she's been pushing the state's new official vodka.
Who is she to block attempts of the people's representatives to legalize marijuana? Let the people decide on this issue by submitting it to the ballot.
If I am correct, around 60% of the residents of New Hampshire think marijuana should be legal. She should be listening to what the people she works for wants, she could lose a lot if votes.
that's crazy new Hampshire is horrid when it comes to weed. you get jail time for a joint. I hope this goes through.
I heard her say that there is a big substance abuse problem in New Hampshire so legalizing marijuana is sending the wrong image. I bet she won't do anything about the liquor stores right off the instate. In my opinion, liquor stores on the road sends a pretty bad message.