New gardener here...

Discussion in 'Gardening' started by Applespark, May 10, 2004.

  1. Applespark

    Applespark Ingredients:*Sugar*

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    I am so new at all this gardening stuff. I was doing great with my new lil flower garden and I decided to plant some more flowers in it. The ones I grew from bulbs grew just fine and started to sprout and flower...but all the ones I bought that were already in a pack of like 6 lil plants I planted all those already growing ones and they are basicly all dieing. Should I trim the dead flowers off and hope new ones grow? Showld I find a new place to plant them? I'm just kinda lost.
  2. HappyHaHaGirl

    HappyHaHaGirl *HipForums Princess*

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    I love gardening! I don't have a lot of time to do it, though. I do have a lot of plants on the window seat, but they don't do as well as they should. Hopefully, when Noah gets older, we can start one together and I can teach him how to take care of everything. :)

    Watch for snakes. They're a bitch.
  3. morningsong347

    morningsong347 Member

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    I'm slowly learning myself. I have pansies that were already developed when I planted them. I pick off the dead flowers and I believe it keeps the plants healthy ;)
  4. Applespark

    Applespark Ingredients:*Sugar*

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    happy haha girl...mason loves to help me do everything. He waters my garden with the hose hehehe
  5. HappyHaHaGirl

    HappyHaHaGirl *HipForums Princess*

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    Awwww....they're so sweet. I got Noah a watering can, but he just tried to eat it. I guess 15 months might be a little young. He likes his little gardening boots, though, because they're really wide and he can stand up and walk more easily.
  6. Applespark

    Applespark Ingredients:*Sugar*

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    last christmas I went to the toystore and I found on sale for like 5 bucks a whole set of lil home depot gardening tools. It was an off season so I got them way cheeper and now that its warm he's been lovong htose tools. A lil rake a hoe and a shovel and some shorter hand tools like a lil rake and shovel. So he can garden with us. I have seen small gardening tools everywhere including the fabric store....Not a waste of cash at all...the kids love them.

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