New? Fresh As The Mail I Registered With!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by Geezer A.D. Nice, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. Geezer A.D. Nice

    Geezer A.D. Nice Members

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    Nice to be back,
    got myself into a psych ward a few years back, ended up in£3.8k in debt, made a username and due to the nhs, my memory took the handle and pw out for a night on the lashes, ending with a tin can shoot of lettering and synaptical rashionale.

    anyhoo, this is speciallllli'm taking this name to the grave, if not then to an upfront with immortality opening a black hole neural computer in 500012AN {my made up date...001001 ( the first, AND NOW ( 'A' & 'N). }...looking up thinking of making a statement {tbc} hsslrol... i noticed 9.09pm on the clock, thinking i wouldn't use my thumbs and thinking of things that spell 5 and begin with D. i.e. digit...see where i'm going,, let me explain digit's are otherwise numbers, or fingers.

    The other thing is rather unsuggestable right now and wouldn't make me any mates, so ask if you got the time, but anyway i needed 2 D's, spelling with 5 and that is because, ladeez and gentlemen that today, when i am in bed and certain family members wake up, coinciding with another tiny, ever so tiny matter, it will be the 5th month of the, again, 10 and 5th month of our 2 milleniums, so we have a certain patern, yeah? well, in exactly 5 birthdays time, right now, which is 7 minutes crowning, 10 hours, 11 days, and 5 years, it will be the year 2020. hate to be so selfish but it's a matter of coincidence that to time these aspects here, now, is a clue as to all of my own, personal, make-up. each moment is. and call this a pain in the neck to get through, just felt one, argument on tv, feckin beatch and right now, i'm tired, my mum wants wine and i forgot my password, and on top y'all is the pain of addiction that i call post-residiual-cannabis-nicotine-reliance...cheers if you read this slaughter of a rant/puzzle??? i'll be happy to help you understand

    Special Award goes to those that not only send a birthday greeting, but let me know if they can figure out the '2nd Dee' in the next few the way, i'll be releasing both these names onto a pre/postapocalyptic/fade-into-obscurity wider world, come 2020. i'm going to keep time as any starfleet officer would - by randomly saying numbers that sound plausibe but make you look like a total tuss. you know who i'm talking to...smoke. smoke. smoke.
  2. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    Welcome and are you sure you are not related to someone who already posts here. :)

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