if only they sources would expand to vegetables over animal products. What if you don't LIKE milk? I'm so glad whole grains and movement are included. A twinkie is not a serving of grains..nor is a beer...sorry.
http://www.healthierus.gov/dietaryguidelines/ have you looked thru the info on that link? i havent looked thru very much of it. my idea of a healthy diet still doesnt look anything like the usda guidelines, but they're starting to encourage more of a whole foods, less processed, more exercise kind of outlook. as you know, there's so much money from the processed foods industries and various other assorted lobbies thrown at projects like these, i think it'll be a loooooooooooong time before we ever see a really healthy looking protocol marketed at the general public. the new canadian guidelines are supposed to be released soon as well, i'm expecting them to mirror the american pyramid pretty closely as it has in the past.