So I got a couple of packs of Fimo a while back. Never broke into them until now on an ultra-bored snow day... now I'm addicted! It's so fun! It's like being a kid all over again with playdoh, only it's much easier to work with and much nicer quality, and the best part is you can bake your creations. I love it! I have my first pendant baking in the oven right now. I hope it turns out well. I have a second pendant all ready to go.. my next project may be an incense burner. I only have blue and green, I wish I had more colors to work with!
Uhh question tho.. is it normal for the fimo to still be sorta soft when it first comes out of the oven?
I love that it doesn't take for-freaking-ever to fire... so you can have your new toys pretty quickly. I'm still recoiling from the hours it took with "normal" clay. Anyway, what is the best way to make an incense burner with fimo? Should I make it sorta long and flat with a curved end and a hole in it, or make it so that it's a mound or a shape and the stick sticks straight up? What's the best way to create the hole for the stick? Also, when you are baking holes into things, is it best to leave something in it to keep it from closing up or will the hole stay the same if there is nothing in it?
Bake it in your own oven, takes like 15 minutes or so I believe... Or that may be sculpey, but close enough...
FIMO is cool, I have a few packs laying around that I've been meaning to make into an ocarina or two...
haha, Fimo. My sister and I used to work with it A LOT when we were kids, we loved it! We really had fun times at our neighbours' doing these little creatures. (our mom didn´t want the Fimo in her kitchen oven) Haven´t done something with it for 13 or 15 years now.
I guess it was because of the steam that could have set free from the Fimo, during the baking process, or something.
fimo releases reallllllllllllllllly toxic gases when it bakes. make sure you're ventilating your house well when you use it, or even better, open all the windows and go outside while it's baking. seriously. when i used to use it, i'd take my cats outside with me, bc i didnt want them breathing in the fumes. i have some old fimo/sculpy kicking around. i wonder if it's still any good. it's probably at least 6 years old.
Here is a link to a site that shows you how to restore old fimo. And also you can cool fimo faster by putting it into a container containing cold water.
So tonight I made my first Fimo incense burner. I have already made two pendants but nothing to really show off I don't think. But I'm proud of the incense burner! Whatcha think?
Hey those colorful clays that have all the little pictures within the the Hades is that done? I've been wanting to make a big ol' fimo yin/yang symbol since my last once got messed up. Other than that, fimo be cool. Saw some books at michaels on clay thingies but I know I can get those texts cheaper for free (online someplace). Anyway, check this site out for the coolest little thing! Great for hidding some small stuff or just cause. I might try it when I've placed with some fimo. urby