I just tried and it said "DNSchecker is unable to test your connection..... please try again later" Hehe,i wonder if the firewall in my router blocked the attempt
ISPs are the ones doing the DNS hijacking mainly by having unresolvable hostnames resolve to some bs webpage with ads when you should get a 404.
it doesn't if the NSA is your concern .. i'd prefer to give as little traffic as possible to advertising sites though on general principle. it's not worth it to be paranoid about the NSA though, there's nothing any of us can really do about that besides completely dropping off the grid and disappearing off the face of the earth. The NSA helps design a lot encryption algortithms and random number generator algorithms ... which means they're probably pretty good, but "perfectly flawed" in such a way that only they know what the built in weakness is. Nobody really knows exactly what the NSA is up to, except for small bits and peices that get leaked, anything else is wild speculation ... we can only be certain they are up to something. For all we know Steve Jobs is a fuckin' NSA agent.
I'm not paranoid about the NSA. I just know they have access to anything they want to have access to, including personal routers and what's behind them.