I sort of feel like people in my life are motivated by reasons of their own to be destructive of what they view as 'ill-borne relations' in the commitments of my life. I am too cautious to be more specific but it feels like people are interfering in my life, seemingly on behalf of my family or their religion, and with a notion that I'm living my life in a way that lends itself to evil, condones illegitimate or alternative lifestyles, or that I'm mentally unequipped to make decisions about faith or marriage based on the notion that I suffer with mental illness. Thus decisions that depart from the status quo choices, let's say of majority ethnicity, faith, and nationality are therefore illegitimate, or invalidated by faith (with a one-faith notion or thoughts about one religion being correct, invalidating others), or choices that align with other origins than socialization from birth by family and are in their thoughts (regardless of their opinions, which seems to be an accepted social norm that robs the thinker in question of their academic understanding of anything - are we losing intelligence when we bond with our origins?) thus ill-begotten. But I've chosen my path. I will never conform to religious majority; be it in my family, my community, or even my worldview in this country, never concede to ethnic majority or standard, and never embrace nationality; not for lack of patriotism but for lack of believing it will provide a notion of actualization, responsibility, transcendence, or accomplishment.