i know some of you are pretty computer savy, well im looking to buy a new computer. should i get a custom built one? i dont know a whole lot... what would you all suggest as the best out there now? im not tryin to spend TOO much... but money isnt a big option.
Before you can decide what kind of system would be best, you need to define exactly what you will be doing with it. A machine that will be used strictly for websurfing and email can be built a lot cheaper than a machine for serious gaming or multimedia editing.
Dell. I got mine at Micro Technology Solutions and it's awesome... WICKED FAST! WOOSH! But Micro Technology is only around here. Dells kind of get viruses too easily though.
ill be surfing the web, downloading mp3s, and playing the occasional game. i wouldnt call it serious, but i would like the game to look nice and run smoothly.
Meh, for the newer games, like HL2/DIII, San Andreas, NFS:U etc., you'll need a pretty fast box. I'd recommend building one yourself; it's a good experience and isn't really too difficult when you take everything one step at a time, and already have all of your parts set out in front of you. However, if you'd think it would be too daunting to set one up yourself, I'd recommend browsing some of the pre-builts at Tiger Direct; or, for about $2k+, you can get yourself a Hella nice Alienware system. You'll need atleast a 2 Ghz Processor, probably about 1 GB DDRAM, meh, around 80-120 GB's of space (if you're an MP3 fanatic)...then I'd go for a Creative Audigy 2, some Klipsch speakers, and an ATI card (figuring that you'll be playing Direct-X supported games).
hmmm.. i think i can handle putting it together. its cheaper that way too, isnt it? was that last list all of the parts i would need?
Just about any middle of the road PC from one of the big name sellers should work for that. Having a machine custom built probably isn't worthwhile for a commodity machine, as somebody putting boxes together on a one-off basis simply isn't going to compete pricewise with the likes of Dell, Gateway, or HP. Going with a well-known supplier also gives you access to their tech support to help resolve problems. Where you might be able to save money or get a better machine is if you want to build your own machine from individual components of your own choosing. But unless you are comfortable resolving problems with hardware and software, and being your own tech support, you might not want to go this route. It would, however, allow you to get EXACTLY the components you want/need, and possibly even reuse parts from the machine you already have for cost savings.
well heck, you guys could help me with tech problems, couldnt you? oh and what parts exactly would you all reccomend?
Meh, following your manual should help you get it together. Like EDT said, it's much more cost efficient and also allows you to customize your parts to your needs. As for what parts you'll need, just go ahead and list the stuff that's in your computer right now...you might just be better off upgrading your CPU/mobo/memory.
That's not true... Micro Technology Solutions has tech support, and a bunch of hot guys fix your computer! LOL!
i honestly couldnt tell you whats in my computer right now. this new computer is for upstairs though, so no upgrading.
Ahhh... Well, the first the thing to do (on the easy route to a finished system), would be to browse Tiger Direct's barebones kits and find something in your price range, probably anything over 2 Ghz. You can also find these kinds of setups on E-Bay and Y! Auctions, but then the chance of getting burned is increased exponentially.
so all i really need to make sure to get is 2 ghz???whats a nice video card? and what do i need to make my computer pimped out, but not expensive. i want it to be fast. hey man, can u do me a favor, and tell me what the best one up there is for 700 bills? and if theres one thats almost as good as the ones you put together, thats already put together, that would be cool too. putting it together looks a little complicated. xactly how hard is it?
For $700, I'd just go with a budget system...it won't be nearly as flexible as a custom built-PC, but it's ready-to-go whenever you are and most of the PC's in this price range are capable of casual gaming and hobbyist multimedia use. I'd recommend e-Machines here.
http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/category/category_slc.asp?page=1&CatId=1307 im thinking of getting one of these, it is custom built, but already put together. what do you think?
I'd go with this one...then go on E-Bay or Y! Auctions and upgrade the memory to 1 GB...as well as add the DVD-RW, as adding one on there would be a good idea as opposed to buying and installing one yourself for $80-100.
well thats the one i ordered! i hope you set me up nicely of course i tweeked a few things. im awaiting credit review as of right now. why did you want me to go on ebay for something i could have changed on the site??? thanx
Yeah, the memory on there is REALLY expensive, even bundled with the PC. You'd save a ton just going on EBay and grabbing some for 1/2-3/4 the price.