New And Closeted!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by ClosetedPanda, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. ClosetedPanda

    ClosetedPanda Members

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    So yeah I'm 15 and I live in Ireland. I've been dating my boyfriend for 6 months and I'm only doing it so no one gets suspicious. Has anyone got any similar stories because I'm feeling really isolated right now :)
  2. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You're underage here. Good luck.
  3. Kayleen

    Kayleen Members

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    Wow, 15? I'm glad you're looking for help, but as far as I can tell (I'm new here too) this is NOT a place for kids! But, anyway, your question deserves to be answered.

    It can be hard being in the closest, I'm bisexual myself, and only half closeted.

    My mom and my siblings, and most of my school friends know. But damn, if my uncle, or my step dad, any of my grandparents, or just most of my family in general found out, I would be doomed. But I try not to worry about that too much.

    My policy is this: If someone asks me about being bi, I straight up tell them, no big deal. I hold to this because I find that in general, homophobes won't even consider the possibility that anyone is gay. Most, in my experience, don't believe that 'gay' is even a thing (unless they themselves are gay, but anyway) Open minded people, and just generally nice people, won't freak out if they know. In fact, if your school has a gsa, I would urge you to join it (Do they have GSA in Ireland?) It is really nice to have a support group of peers. I joined the GSA last year, and it was the best decision I've ever made! They accepted me and gave me the strength to accept myself and come out to my mom.

    That's the key to the world accepting you by the way, you need to accept yourself first.
  4. Albertha

    Albertha Members

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    :daisy: :daisy: Welcome to the forums! :daisy: :daisy:

    You're probably the youngest person I've seen on here lol. Well, I've never dated a guy to keep my sexuality a secret from people before.... but before I came out to my friends, I used to say things like "I'm bisexual" or "That guy's pretty cute", because I felt like it was easier, or that it would make my straight girl friends less uncomfortable, when in reality, I knew I was lying. It really sucked because I had this queasy feeling in my stomach and thoughts like, "That's not me" whenever I said things like that. Even though I live on the west coast, which is like the "gay area"/liberal state, and have met many gay supporters, I still felt insecure about my sexuality. I've seen a few lesbian couples in my school, and they look so happy, and it made me jealous because I wasn't brave enough to come into terms with who I was.

    Once you do come out though, you really feel a lot better about yourself, anyway, I wish you the best of luck and support!

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