Anyone's spouse, wife, partner told you they've NEVER masturbated? All but two of my "partners" have done it, frequently, and in front of me. My college FWB had never done it (I gave her her first orgasms). My wife says she never has, and never will. I can't believe it, but yet I do. What in the world..........?
I do but I am sure my wife has not and I don't think she ever would I did when in my teens then had not for many years but now my wife has health issues and may not be well enough to for 2 months or more maybe even for 6, months so I have started again and am really enjoying it and at 74 will probably continue the rest of my life because I enjoy it and it feels so good.
The stats I’d heard were >97% of men have and do, but something like <70% of women. Those were statistics from a class I took in college (ah, electives!) almost 4 decades ago. I’m sure that since there is porn everywhere and today’s youth is mere promiscuous, I’d guess men are now at 100% and women are >98%.
I do not agree so much. Based on the religious belief there a lot of people think it is a sin so they don't do it, but among the new generation, young people who don't believe in religion seriously, masturbate surely. On the other hand, mass media such as the internet teach and guide millions of millions of people to engage with sexual matters including masturbation.
I am sure, my mom and dad never did it also my old relative too, because they were all religious people I have masturbated since I was 10 or 12, but for so many years I felt guilty. After going to high school and college gradually I change my mind. And now, I not only think masturbation is not a sin, but it is healthy and a natural sexual behaves.
I think it depends on the definition. I would believe that everyone has at some point rubbed his or her genitals for pleasure. I would accept that a small minority do not do so for the purpose of attaining orgasm for various reasons, primarily religious.
I think that if I was a woman I'd be hard pressed to not have my fingers or toys away from my genitals. My wife is (was) GREAT in bed and multiorgasmic. As far as masturbating, I think her conservative religious mother screwed her up. Hell, even during foreplay if I was rubbing or stroking myself, she'd reach down and remove my hand from my cock. WHY?