Never had Facebook

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by lunarverse, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. lunarverse

    lunarverse The Living End

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    There's a recent Facebook thread that made me think to ask. Is there anyone here who never had Facebook? I don't mean, 'I had it but then I deleted it cause it's stupid.' I mean, never bought into it in the first place.

    I've never had in. Personally I think it's very childish, self serving, presumptuous, and arrogant. I realise many people say, "I use it to keep in touch with family." There are other ways...

    Not to mention it displays the gullibility of the masses to reveal private, personal, and potentially harmful information to the public and those who own that media.

    Anyone else never had it?

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    I didn't have it until 2008, however, I found/find it a nice little communication tool.
    The key methinks, is to use it at such, (as/when wind downing) and not as an Addiction
  3. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    If those people have a real interest in finding out this information, they will find it whether you have a facebook or not. Don't fool yourself.
  4. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    so how exactly is it childish, self serving, presumptuous, and arrogant?

    i also don't see how a few idiots revealing private information says anything about the gullibility of the masses who only post public information on there.
  5. IamnotaMan

    IamnotaMan I am Thor. On sabba-tickle. Still available via us

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    I don't like it at all. Never registered. Never will, personally atleast.

    The main thing is the creepy corporate spying. You have ZERO data protection. They can find everyone you've ever spoken with, worked with.
    So for instance if you make an insrn.ance claim, and your friends are dodgy, they'll give you a hard time.

    I use Linkedin, but even then, not "properly". In other words, I don't have my "real contacts". Just cornflakes who want to link to me.

    Basically, its all part of the NSA/Snowden scandal. Except many people haven't worked it out yet, IMO.

    And I don't like the chitchat crap associated with Facebook walls and all that false vacuousness.

    PS I don't apply for jobs, basically because I run my own business. But the stuff about would-be bosses spying Facebook profiles and even demanding candidates passwords is really like Big Brother come true. I wonder how far we are from computer chipping people too??!!
  6. Frieden

    Frieden Senior Member

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    I think those who gloat about never having a Facebook, on a forums nonetheless, are exactly what how you described Facebook users. Oh yeah, I also think they're pretty presumptuous to boot, considering your lack of knowledge/experience about the whole thing.
  7. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Hm, not gonna comment too much on this thread but just to say though, that.... I have had facebook on and off throughout the years. Currently I am back on there, although I only check it a few times a month. The reason I went back on there is because a bunch of people who I know personally (a mix of family members and friends) were continually emailing me telling me I should be on facebook so I can talk to them... that they don't check their email but every few months or so. So, anyways, because there is no other way for me to stay in touch with some of those people, I decided to go back to facebook.
    I do have a point though, which I am getting to. And that is that I have never personally seen facebook as a place to give out too personal of information---nothing I wouldn't want or care if anyone or everyone knows. The reason being is being that I have my mom and other family members on facebook I'm not gonna go talking about very private things there anyways. I just use facebook basically to send private messages to people and to keep up to date on superficial info from people (on walls-public information)... in any case, point being, not everyone uses facebook in the way you seem to think everyone does. Sure, plenty of people do I am sure, but there are likely just as many who don't share every little detail or too private/personal of info on there. Shrugs.
  8. wcw

    wcw Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I like keeping up with old and new friends. Facebook is a much more efficient way to keep up with everyone than trying to call everyone or rely on word of mouth.
  9. wcw

    wcw Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I mainly do all of my conversation by pm also. Sometimes when I browse to see what's up, I make a comment or two though.
  10. Mixed-Peppers

    Mixed-Peppers Member

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    Totally with - WCW, AmericanTerrorist, Frieden, billyxx1120

    To add,

    I resisted being on there for a long time. wuld rather meet with ppl personally - have real life adventures. However the trend these days is for ppl to socialise through technology (including here). Being on there is my selfish way of wanting to stay connected with ppl. Whether publically or privately.
  11. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I person don't use it. I did have it for a while, I found it quite handy to know when bands were coming my way or on tour. When bands were releasing. Everything band or sports related was perfect.

    To communicate with people and your family through it, it's free, fast and effective. I think it's a great tool for that purpose. And then some people just post shit and have a lot of fun.

    Each to their own.
  12. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    I still have an account, just for looking around, but I definitely never bought into the concept. I've never put any personal information in my profile, never posted a pic, never posted on anybody's wall, and never had a Facebook friend. When I log on, I'm usually following a link to find out more about some public event or organization or public figure, and get a message saying I have to log on to view the page.

    The amount of your personal information somebody can track down depends on how much effort they're willing to make, how good they are at online snooping, and how much money they're willing to pay. I'm not going to make it easy for them.
  13. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    with my real name?

  14. lunarverse

    lunarverse The Living End

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    People use it largely with the intent of showcasing their life and personal pictures/details for the sole purpose of social self promotion and self grandeur. It promotes a 'look at me, look at me,' attitude that has quickly defined the social habits of a generation. And they presume that people do or should care.

    How is it different from a public forum, since someone brought that up. A forum is exacty that. A forum, a place for people to come together to share ideas in an anonymous way. The intent remains the content, not the people. Not the self celebration of individuals promoting themselves like ownerless animals in a pet shop window.
  15. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Some people post all about their lives on FB because they use it as a journal.
  16. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    never did either. nor twitter nor skype nor any of these i.m. things.

    just f.a., here, and my yahoo mail.

    been on bio-rust, eflwood, nation states, my own site of free webs, vcl, i guess blender artists, trainz forum, sci-furs, side-7, chaski live steam, sl a couple of times, and probably other interest based galleries and forums, but none of those social networking just for the sake of social networking.
  17. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Yea, that's pretty much me. Like I mentioned before, I'm rarely on there but when I do go on it's to check my messages and just skim really fast the things people post... and yea, I'll comment on stuff. In a typical day of signing on there I'll probably post on a few things like a friend mentioning that her son pulled the fire alarm while out somewhere that day (post-geez, I'm actually shocked my son HASN'T done that yet).... comment on a picture my mom posted of her mother (who has long since passed) and comment on my aunt posting about my uncle's surgery going well... and someone posting about getting a new kitten... just stuff like that. Shrugs.
    Well, yea, I tried not to go back there. But I just eventually realized that I can not go back there because I don't really LIKE facebook and all it stands for and end up missing seeing the pictures of my cousin's kids (who live out of state) and the pictures of my overseas friends kids.... or I can go there now and then and actually keep up with what is going on w people, because whether I like it or not, that is how a lot of people keep people up to date on things...

    I do agree w you about the younger generation being like that w the internet and social networking in general.

    But the people I have on my list (and I don't have that many on there at all really) are more like people just wanting to keep in touch w people they know, not promote themselves. I think there are AT LEAST 2 different types of people who go on there. Well, there is more than that.. but 2 main groups. The younger generation like you mentioned and then, the people who are not like that. lol.
  18. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Never had it...
  19. bird_migration

    bird_migration ~

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    I love it. Since I travel abroad often I find it by far the easiest way to keep in touch with people or to arrange meetups.
  20. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I tried to look up "the biggest loser" on FB to review the last season but it ended up linking me to Bird Migrations Facebook account instead.


    Kidding. Hehe.

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