never been this drunk, have you

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by phil1965, Mar 3, 2020.

  1. phil1965

    phil1965 Senior Member

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    sent to me by a mate on holiday, she may not have been a waitress, but looking like that I'd have given her a tip at the least, probably the whole length. lol

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  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I approve.
  3. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    phil1965 likes this.
  4. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    If a man was this naked, he would get beaten up but women are free to do anything.

    I regret having been born a male. There are big double standards.

    I cannot even try to talk to a woman when I am drunk, I would get beaten up by honor of guards. But if I was a woman, I could do anything. Lol. The worst that happened would be called a slut. No being beaten up. Lol.
  5. Lego Batman

    Lego Batman Scissors paper rocks

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  6. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    you have a fantasy.
    women get raped and discriminated against in most setting that men haven't entirely yet gotten used to the idea of women being there.

    i'm male too and even i know that.
    and i'd rather a world of complete gender equality so you wouldn't even have to think about it in any other context then sex.

    of course there are some people of all genders who fantacize being raped,
    but they are in all cases a minority, not sure how large or small,

    but way to small to ever safely assume.
    one of those things that are better in erotic literature then ever in real life.

    something i didn't yet realize when i was around eleven years old, and for which reason i've been paranoid of being thought a sexual preditor ever since.

    culture of course depends on where you are.
    believe me, nothing about that is geo-universal.
    different places, very different norms.
    Meliai likes this.
  7. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    How did you come to the rape from what I said?

    Well, some days ago something annoying happened.

    A drunk man who has his wife with him were cursing loudly in a terrible way in a restaurant. And Nobody did anything. Do you know why? Because he has a woman with him.

    If a drunk man with no woman did the same thing, what would happen? He would be in hospital.

    A woman is no godness and the reason for him shouldnt be that a woman is with him.

    Not only women have great avantages but also when a man is with a woman (a woman means godness), he can use the woman as an advantage (because he is with a godness).

    This society would beat a man up just trying to talk to a woman who he doesnt know.

    I dont know how did we come to the rape thing?

    I dont even talk to anybody from opposite sex, which is not to get beaten up.

    If I was a woman, I wouldnt worry about getting beaten up no matter how I behave.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2020
  8. everything bagel

    everything bagel Banned

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    nah just raped and maybe killed
  9. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    Not unless you are outside alone at 3 am when nobody is outside. No. And still it is a low possibility. Maximum that will probably happen you will hear words that are told to you, which is no rape.

    Did you get raped? No

    Did I get beaten up? Yes.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2020
  10. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    what you said was to assume no harm could come if you were female.
    i mention two of many errors in that assumption.
    last i heard, there are still places you could expect to be publicly whipped or even exicuted by crowds of people throwing big heavy stones at you,
    if you were female and acted on that assumption.
    i would love for crap like that to never happen to anyone anywhere.
    just the point is, anything you think you can ever count on the world being some particular way,
    not only is it different in different places, it is also different in the minds of different people.
    you can be minding your own business in some place completely safe and familiar,
    and someone angry for no reason you have any idea about can walk up and wave a knife or a gun in your face, say threatening words and make threatening jestures,
    and that whether male of female, gay or straight.
    there's just no such thing as a privelage, any privelage of anything, being absolutely secure and reliable in any physical place.
  11. everything bagel

    everything bagel Banned

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    see this is the problem with society and why women aren't "lucky." When a woman is raped while out alone at 3am people don't say he shouldn't have raped her, they say she shouldn't have been out alone at 3am. Women should be able to go wherever we want whenever we want and not be terrified. Or villified for being raped
    granite45 and soulcompromise like this.
  12. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    What the hell are you talking about?

    Even when a guy just to tries to talk to a woman who he dont know, it is an enough reason for a man to get beaten up, regardless of what time it is.

    So I only to talk to my gender.

    I also edited my post above.
  13. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    As for me, I much prefer to be a woman and not be out alone at 3 am, then be a man and be out alone at 3 am.
  14. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    do you want to be this naked in public?
  15. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    sooo, the grass is always greener on the other gender when you're six sheets in the wind?
  16. DrRainbow

    DrRainbow Ambassador of Love

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  17. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    My point is double standards.
  18. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    you're not wrong, there are definitely double standards. but as others have pointed out, they kind of go both ways. some things are easier for women to get away with, and some things are easier for men to get away with. is it right? i don't know, i think there's legitimate arguments either way.
  19. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    Well a woman can easily get you beaten up even for fun if she did want. She has power. It would be just one word. Lol (if she did want, as I said).

    Man, I fucking wish I had been born a female. I would have great power (you know what I mean by power).
  20. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    What will we do with a drunken sailor?
    What will we do with a drunken sailor?
    What will we do with a drunken sailor?
    Early in the morning!

    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Early in the morning!

    Shave his belly with a rusty razor
    Shave his belly with a rusty razor
    Shave his belly with a rusty razor
    Early in the morning!

    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Way hay and up she rises
    Early in the morning!

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