Is it a copy by 2 gunmen? Of random... Several people hurt after Dutch tram shooting We have long time posters there.. stay safe and if you can, update us please
Nothing is certain at this point. Not if there are lethal casualties, or what the motive was. The shooter (assuming it was just one) is on the run unfortunately.
No, but lots of friends are in that city. I took notice that there was something going on there because several of them were complaining about the traffic in a group app But no one knows anything. Except that there were multiple shots fired in a tram and multiple people are wounded. Possibly one death. City's pretty much on lockdown. Most friends in that city aren't scared. They're mostly concerned about getting late.
Lol a female friend with kid just said she isn't allowed to leave the house atm, but she doesn't have any toilet paper anymore so she's worried about that. Another friend borrowed a car since public transportation is put to a stop there.
btw: the friend in car noticed there were cams next to the roads. So if you were wondering like me WTH can he drive out of the city without being verified who he is: they are taped But if the shooter was fast and had a plan (doesn't seem like it going by the little details we know) he could be far away already...
I hope no one dies. This sort of thing is awful and must be stopped. I hope they catch whoever it was soon.
The advice to stay inside has been lifted in Utrecht. My friend went to the supermarket but it was still closed... So no toilet paper yet
Just got a message from my mom friend: they caught the main suspect 5 minutes from her house! He has an extensive criminal record and had to go to court because of a rape case 2 weeks ago. Its speculated it could be a revenge action as witnesses on the tram say he went mainly after one woman first. But then it would of course be weird to keep shooting others. Sounds like an agressive individual not really gifted in the empathy department.
Yeah, its a first though. They went all out in case it was a terrorist attack. Probably considering a possible follow up. There's simply rarely a shooting in public transportation in this country. Let alone monday mornings lol
It's now put as a terrorist attack after all. Two more suspects are arrested. The main suspect wasn't known as an islamic extremist though, but he was a wellknown criminal