The people who live downstairs from me are strange. They have a fireplace in the back yard where they burn all of the containers from the massive amount of soda, beer, Little Debbie snack cakes, and Cheez-It's that they consume. They are constantly burning their vast supply of used plastic water bottles. Why? Why not just toss them in the recycling bin? Also, perhaps more perplexing than the plastic, is the fact that they decorate the property with a giant tacky Santa statue. They are pretty nice to me, at least on a superficial level. So I can't complain there. /vent. Does anyone else have neighbors that behavior in ways you don't understand/appreciate?
One side is old enough to be our parents. They are good people. The other side are old enough to be our grandparents and I'm pretty sure they hated us for the first 6 years we lived here. We have a crazy bitch across the street that has come over about 4 times in 9 years and acts like my best friend. I don't even know her name and I've never met her husband. Could have better neighbors but I've had worse. When we lived in our old house we were neighbors with my in laws. I watched the drug house across the street get raided. That was awesome. I pulled up a chair in the front yard and my mother in law and I watched the police pull everything out of the house and go through it in the front yard. The woman that lived there was a huge tweaker and would do really weird things like mop her car after dark.
out in the county we would burn every thing that would burn. cant really do that here. we can burn, but only wood.
Why not ask them? If they're nice to you they might just answer as well I am curious to know the answer now too.
I have annoying neighbours that cut their grass and sweep their idiot used to actually take out his shop vac in the spring and vacuum the gravel off his lawn weirdoes
OH MY GOD. So the people that live across the street and over one house put up like 40 of those hard plastic light up Christmas yard ornaments every year. They have the entire nativity scene, ice skating penguins, Santa and all the reindeer, bears, carolers, etc. I'll see if I can find a picture. If not I'll take one in about a week when all their shit is put up. It's ridiculous. The thing I want to know is where they store all of that stuff the rest of the year.
I must have deleted the picture. I'll take one in a few weeks. There is another asshole down the street that leaves his inflatable santa up and INFLATED until April every year. I have never wanted to stab Santa more in my life than when I drive past that every night on my way home from work.
I live in a nice neighborhood with mostly decent sized, older (some historic-type) houses. We all get along pretty well around here and regularly have fires in my backyard in the summer. The place to the north of me has been foreclosed on three times. The last people were the absolute worst neighbors I've ever had. They were nice people but awful neighbors. I could write a short book about the things they did that pissed me off. I should have known what was coming when they moved in and tossed about 6 or 7 bags of garbage on the curb. No biggie except that they didn't have garbage service yet and some dogs tore the bags open and the shit was all over and I mean...almost the entire front parking was covered with trash. No biggie there either. Shit happens. The problem that they just left it there to blow all over the fucking place. About a week and a half later when I finally met the wife outside, she looked at the mess and said "Oh...sorry about that. Some dogs must have did that." I wanted to say " shit, Sherlock! Like 10 or 11 days ago and I've been picking it up out of my yard ever since!" That's where it started. I could go on and on. Naked kids running around outside with no parents home. 4 feet tall weeds all over. Trash all over. Broke down cars. Police going there a lot. They ruined that house. Luckily, it's been completely remodeled since then.
Yikes. I feel like some homes just can't find good owners. Perhaps people who don't have much money are attracted to foreclosed homes because of the price, but can't actually afford utilities and upkeep? It's difficult living next to families like that, but you gotta feel bad for the little ones.
Yeah...once we got to know them we wondered how they could get financed for a house in this neighborhood. They both delivered newspapers for a living. I'm not knocking the work but do you pull that off? The dude eventually started doing construction and making more money but he told me he quit because once the child support he owed was taken from his check he was taking home less than he could get on welfare. He was nice enough but annoying as hell to everyone around here. Nobody was unfair to him, we all tried to be cool but it was just his personality. Ex: We would all chill at fires in my yard and normally an acoustic guitar was being passed around. Just mellow campfire music. The dude came over with a small, battery-power amp and an electric guitar and treated us all to his renditions of Metallica, Megadeath, etc. He eventually hung himself in his garage. We all felt bad for being annoyed by him so much but we had nothing to do with his issues. I did try to start being a little more friendly to him a while before he died....mostly because I felt bad for him. After he died, things went from bad to worse.
Yesterday morning my dogs were at the back door growling, then I heard a man's voice right outside. So I tucked a gun in my pants and went out back, leaving the dogs inside. It was one of my neighbors collecting pine cones with his little kid It pissed me off that he had the audacity to open my gate and go in my backyard but I was nice. He said he thought I was at work (both of my cars were in the driveway) and said he's surprised I didn't shoot him. Little did he know I was strapped. That was really stupid of him if you ask me. Some people freak out and shoot through walls and shit.