need vision help, crafty folks

Discussion in 'Fashion and Crafts' started by drumminmama, Jan 15, 2005.

  1. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    my poor drums HATE the cold when traveling, and I have decided it is time to make padded covers.

    I'm thinking recycled quilts for padding and ethnic fabric for the shell. flannel for lining (I have old sheets) and still spinning ideas for a strap.
    I've made a pattern from paper, but I'm stuck on how to make the seams look nice (I 'm also planning one that is reversable for seasonal sound healing work)
    It's basically a tube with a bottom and perhaps a drawstring at top.
    Would french seams work here on the bottom seams? How do I with a simple sewing machine make SURE it will hold? double sew?

    need tech ideas, here....
  2. paix

    paix Senior Member

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    I love french seams for circular bottoms, just did one on a purse, and it looks great. To be safe, I would do a straight stich, and then a zig zag stitch all the way around, that should hold you.

    Maybe use Upolstry tread too, the heavy duty thread holds alot better.

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