need some one to talk to

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by ZenMunchy, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. ZenMunchy

    ZenMunchy Gracious In Defeat

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    i realy need some one to talk to. I deserted all the people that were my so called friends because they wernt friends. they didnt care about me. I have a few true friends tho. Im going through a hard time in my life. My story is very long so i will not post it unless some one is willing to lission. Thank you to all that reply.
    May the light of love guide your life
  2. DancerAnnie

    DancerAnnie Resident Beach Bum

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    Let it out, brother.

    We're all here to listen!
  3. soulrebel51

    soulrebel51 i's a folkie.

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    that whole deserting-"friends" thing, i did that over a year ago.

    just post, man. :)
  4. ZenMunchy

    ZenMunchy Gracious In Defeat

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    well i met my love, harle whom i love beond comprehension about two years ago. It was so mistical how we met. are eyes would meet in the halls of highschool. id look into her deep brown eyes then we would both look back at each other when we would pass. The power of the univerce came to have us write each other notes on the same very day.
    we then started gittly talking to each other and passing notes. (an honist pure love). One day i wrote her a dirty letter and her step day found it. She was forsed to break up with me.
    It was summer now and i was a lil mad that she could dump me because her mother told her too. but deep down i loved her. she would call and call but i wouldnt talk to her not because i was mad at her but because i felt that i would only cause her pain.
    Around that time i knew i had a problem with drugs and was making my first atempts to stay clean. I wasent do ing good at all tho. But i was beging to FEEL! i felt love~ i realized that i needed to talk to her. We begain talking again and we got bak together. At this time she realy begain to help me through my drug problem. She gave me the motivation i so despiretly needed. She changed my life! I love her so much for what shes done. The list goes on to what she helped me through.
    Well time when on and i relapsed. not just once but a few times and insted of telling her i right out lied to her.
    Then things with her family got worse. they would find out that we talk and seldom see each other, from time to time and it just tore her apart. we knew that we wouldnt be able to be together intill she was 18.
    I couldnt keep it in any longer. i confesed. she said that she was glad that i told her and we worked it out. then i was realy nervious. i didnt know if id told her that id done ither drugs as well so i asked her if i did and she said no. she was furious at me. Are relation ship was realy almost at an end but we got through it. I was so amazed at the level in which she loved me and grew so much more in love with her. I allso became very stong in my resistaice againce addiction.
    Time went on and we still talked. we were still very much in love. then her parents found out that we were talking on the phone. we made the dission that so she wouldnt hert her family any more by lieing to them that we would stop comunicating. only talking on our aniversery and me birth day intil we would meet again.
    She had some time to think and she im'ed me to tell me that she wants to break up with me. she called to talk to me about it. she said that she dosent want to have to worry about me. she wants us to grow all individuals. she said that shes to young to be attached to anyone. she said that she wants to see other people to see if our love is real. and she also wants to start are realationship again when she is 18. she just wants time to find herself. she feels like she had lost herself in me. like she was wraped in a dream with me away from reality.
    But she says that she dose still love me. she just needs time and room to grow. she also wants me to be able to grow as an individual.
    And her wisdom is seeing out alredy. i have already after only a couple of days become more confident in my self and more independent.
    I love her so much. i just dont want her to get serious with another. Its so special to me that we were going to make love the first time with anyone with each other. I just dont want her to have that special moment with someone elts.
    All i can do is have faith that her love for me with not dye. please give me advice. or just talk to me. i need as much love as i can get.
    thank you for posting a reply. my heart goes out to your careing hearts~

    peace, love and happiness

  5. DancerAnnie

    DancerAnnie Resident Beach Bum

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    I'm sorry you can't be together, but in the end, it's probably for the best. You know, based on what I've read here, this isn't too unusual. I've read lots of these stories in this forum about young girls and guys getting together and the family not liking it.

    Keep the faith brother...the world works in mysterious ways. Live for yourself...and maybe she'll come back to you someday.

    Good luck.
  6. ZenMunchy

    ZenMunchy Gracious In Defeat

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    thanks (dancerannie) i think that this is for the best and i do have faith. i just sometimes get upset and cant help but cry out. it just seems that we were ment to be. I hope my insticts are true.
    thanks again for your reply
  7. soulrebel51

    soulrebel51 i's a folkie.

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    man, that first paragraph was like something straight out of The Subterraneans. :eek:

    sorry i dont have anything else to say.. i just really liked that first paragraph. :p write a story, editing that paragraph a little and using it as the opening sentence...

    "Well I met my love Harle whom I love beyond comprehension about two years ago. It was so mystical how we met, our eyes would meet in the halls of our highschool and I'd look into those deep brown eyes then we would both look back at each other when we would pass. The power of the universe came to us when we both unknowingly wrote each other notes on the same day."

    now tell me Jack Kerouac himself didnt write that. :D :rolleyes:
  8. ZenMunchy

    ZenMunchy Gracious In Defeat

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    heh thanks soulrebel51. i dont know who jack kerouak is or what the subterainians is but thanks anyway.
    In my life i need grate meaning and i yurn for beuty. harle was swept up in my musical and phsilogical ways. but now she says that she feels like she lost her self in me. like she went away in a dream land and she needs to log out into reality so she can find her self and see what she wants. I just hope dearly that is me~
    well thank you for posting. i need as much feed back as i can get.
    thank you and let peace be with you~
  9. Raving Sultan

    Raving Sultan Banned

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    join the club
  10. ZenMunchy

    ZenMunchy Gracious In Defeat

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    what raving sultan? Did a resent realtionship end for you? I know that these things happen all the time but that girl just seemed like somthing special.
  11. hippieatheart

    hippieatheart vagina boob

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    like that quote says "if you love someone let them go, and if they come back it was meant to be" it is really hard when you cant see or talk to your girlfriend. my friend has a boyfriend that is african american, and her parents dont like it, so they forbid her to see or speak to him, but they still make it work. if you really love each other, something can make it work. me and my boyfriend of 2 years just recently broke up because of a stupid mistake i made, but i am trying everything in my will to make things better, and we already are back on track and talking again like we used to..

    anyway.. give her time and space, if she loves you that much, adn you love her that much, you can make it work, and she will come back to you. dont worry if she's going to find somebody else to share what you want to share with her.. odds are, she'll come back to you, if you were her first love, she wont forget you... hope i helped, and hope everything works out.
  12. ZenMunchy

    ZenMunchy Gracious In Defeat

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    Thank you hippieatheart. i do believe in the power of her love for me. And what happened was sertainly ment to be. she broke up with me so we could both grow and i am growing moreindependent and have more confidence in my self. I realize that this needed to happen. I just keep hope that the time that she would come bak to me comes.
  13. hippieatheart

    hippieatheart vagina boob

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    your very welcome.. i know stuff like this is hard.

    if this little break upmade you more independent and more confident in yourself then thats great!! the time will come. she'll come back to you. she'd never just forget about you beacuse you guys both love each other.
  14. ZenMunchy

    ZenMunchy Gracious In Defeat

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    thanks again hippieatheart, your words help me get through it all. and every one elts who has givin me words of hope. Its not that i dout her love for me its just that we wont see or talk each other for two years. i know that we will both be much stronger but that is a long time and i just hope that i end up being the one~

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