Hi, I'm new to this board, but I was wondering if you's could help me? Every Saturday me and all my friends go to the Town Square. It's where we hang out. It's one of the only things that makes me look foward to the weekend. But because I live in quite a, how can I describe this? Where I live, if you are different you will be beaten up or hated for it. All of my friends and I are what the popular people call different. Anyway, getting to the point, there's a load of people coming to the place where we hang to stab us. I'm really not joking, last week they kicked my friend in, and we're all scared that they will do it again, this group of people are called the big q, and they really do stab people. It's so horrible, it makes me sick! We are going to have no where to hang out, I don't know what to do!?! Please help, thank you!
don't hang out there don't endager your lives for a cause such as where to hang out. choose somewhere different, be carefull, tell people where you're going, try and take a mobile phone or something please be carefull, and try and persuade your friends to do the same, i hope it works out
yeah, find somewhere else to hang out. its not worth risking your lives to continue being there for the benefit of those who cannot see past their noses.
I agree. DAMN, man... I can't believe that's happening. i went to school in the hicks... the "bad" crowd pulled fire alarms, not knives! Damn... and the rest of you sound so nonchalant; is this normal? Do i live under a rock? *flees to the south pacific*
the bastards, what fucking right do they have to hurt "different" people, ill kill the bastards! wait no i won't im shit and weak and useless. you should find somewhere else to hang out, like in an armoured car. or you could tell the police, although they'd probably hunt you down.
I agree with Kier Find somewhere new to hang out, maybe just laying low for a while would do it. Eithier way don't risk it, there must be plenty of other places. TTFN Sage
i can believe it's happening. it shouldn't be, but i happens everywhere, and honestly i would like to think there's something you can do about it, but there will probably always be that one person or group of people who hate you for being the only person/people with balls big enough to be who you are. but for your own safety...go somewhere else...it'd be stupid to endanger urself over pride or a place to hang out
My idea might be hard to pull off but it will work. You need to make a bonfire at night. During the busiest time at the Town Square you need to burn like 50 pounds of marijuana. Everyone will get high and learn to understands peoples differences.
Whoa man, that's heavy. I can't even imagine such hatred. Why don't you go to the police? People trying to impose physical or mental harm on you is not right and you should not have to stand for it. There's got to be someone you can go to to make these people stop this. It's within your rights.
Well over here is not unusual to hear that somebody got shott after school or got stabb...so that might answer your question...But they dont hurt people that are different they ust make fun of us or do a lot of things to destroy our lifes...
the poloce would probably steal there pot then say nothing is wrong and leave them there to get stabbed.
i am sorry to hear this... and I wish I had advice. if it were a simple fist fight i'd say go for it, just once, see what you can do, test your limits it's good experience... but knives and guns... I can't imagine. (and of course I don't advocate going 'round throwing punches... i observe and advocate non-violence, but i know options in highschool are limited.)
yeah dude, just stay the fuck away from there. unless you and your friends feel like defending yourself, for the rightgs to chill there, which i dont think is worth it.