need help to understand my dream

Discussion in 'Dreams' started by Greel, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. Greel

    Greel Guest

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    So i had this dream today.

    I was a young girl prolly around 8-12yo

    I was trap in an gloomy abandoned apartment that had so many floor that it reach the sky.
    The onoy exception was floor 1-2 was okay floor no rust, decay or anything. The other room was a room near the final floor that was suppose to have a man living there.

    During the travel from floor 3 to the top they were a four legged demon beast creature trying to claw me down and prolly eat me. The remaining floor was all rusty, decaying and destroyed.

    A second creature seem to appear to pursue me. But quickly vanish. As a running for my life to reach that suppose room i reach a floor that have no mean to reach above.

    Ive reach the window of a room and climb the rest to the roof while the beast was still pursuing me. At the roof ive located the suppose room and jump off the roof while the beasttried to jump on me making it fall all the way down (was not able to see it was misty/cloudy. Ive grab the window ledge where we put flower and open the unlock window and come inside.seeing that the room was in good shape and an old man was there.

    After it blurry. I do recall talk to the man and he told me something about i need to go to a certain location (that irl dont exist) to find something. Ive also recall that he mention or wrote down the word virus.

    Also had an other "dream" after that about me been my real self in the backyard of that apartment talking with friends (that i dont recall if it was people i actually know irl) then i was force awake by my gf irl
  2. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor


    prolly prolly prolly
  3. Greel

    Greel Guest

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    Sorry it my way to write probably
  4. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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  5. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    demon is a word invented by humans to make excuses for declaring war on things they don't understand. yes there are scary things. sometimes even dangerous ones. but demon is like a racial slure against non-physical things.

    ah yes. to defeat the 'demons' find the equivalent computer virus in your brain. well in a sense that's what dream demons are. or at least one thing they could be. indeed the physical brain is in many ways like an apartment house. a very large one. with many floors and apartments.

    here's another thing, where you are in a dream is like a parallel universe. and who you are and what you experience there. is there. just like its a place. but not the place when we're awake in.

    so what you meet, feel, see, in that place, is consistent with THAT place. if someone tells you something there, it may very well be useful, THERE.

    everything you see, feel, and experience there, is influenced by you, just like it is here, only more so. sometimes a lot more so and sometimes not.

    that's why you may find yourself able to reprogram your own 'demons'

    perhaps you need to find the apartment in your dream world they are controlled from.

    sounds rather like a grand adventure to me. better then any video game.
  6. Greel

    Greel Guest

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    Thank all for your reply
  7. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Freud studied dreams.....Concentrate on how the dream or nightmare made you feel, and if you go with whatever those feelings are, you may get to the bottom of what your subconscious mind is trying to feed up to your conscious mind......

    I hate nightmares...Used to have them all of the so much anymore.....
  8. QuietPerson

    QuietPerson Member

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    It sounds like it might be about an escape from fear. I'm not sure of all the specifics, because I think dream symbols are different for each person--for example, a tower in your mind may mean something different from a tower in someone else's mind--but it really sounds like a dream of escape.
  9. Greel

    Greel Guest

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    Thank for replying

    I was chatting with an other group(different website) about this dream.

    The main reply was it maybe related that i think feminine or/and because i may be a woman trap in a man body.

    On this i did and still am questioning if i may be a woman deep down.

    That the "tower" represent my shell/body and the little girl trap represent my inner self trying to free herself.

    What do you guy think?

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