My main worry is nuclear power. Heat trapped on the planet works in a natural balance, but their is no balancing factor for heat obtained from nuclear fission. Many people do not realize that power stations are less than 30% efficient, dumping hundreds of millions of megawatts of heat into the worlds oceans every hour and we wonder why the ice caps are melting. We should invest in heat pumping to heat our homes, but as yet, no one has designed an evaporator to collect heat below the freezing point of water that will not insulate itself with ice after a few minutes. An innovative solution is required, possibly by collecting heat underwater where the cubical expansion of water reverses at plus four degrees. Systems have been designed and constructed, but never on a large scale. Cooling our oceans in order to heat our homes makes sense in every way. With heat pumps achieving a COP efficiency of 300% it should also be cost effective. But are we all willing to accept the revolutionary changes that would be required.???
First step to save this planet: Lets swap the current media staff . tv, radio is mainly out there to brainwash rather than educate us. Things are mostly ( i would say 95%) broadcasted in order to benefit the agenda of the 5% people. Im talking all the mass media outlets in western countries. Radio,TV,Newspaper. Good/true things are declared bad/false, and the other way round. Same with the radio: you dont hear real good music with a (critical) message, only songs with nonsense lyrics. Most of the worshipped/hyped singers today have nothing to do with music. They only play what they want you to hear. Revolution
We need places where people can escape the rat race. Land where people can work together to create the resources that we need to live ( food, water, shelter) once we no longer need to buy the things we need we won't have to work jobs ( be slaves) we can work together to create more free resources for more people. We will stop funding those that are destroying the earth instead we will share everything with each other and prosper. Myself and others have been working on this idea for a while now and we are looking for others that want to help.
It's easy to grow more food than you can eat . So , give that away and do some winter crafts for trade . I like to make flutes and drums made from what's wild at hand . I also make an oracle device of and stones - of an original design . Free food in the woods . Hello .
Tesla wanted energy to be free. Edison did not. One of them got funding from the Wall St. bankers of the time, and the other is now a car. Imagine how different life would have been if since the 1920's the average American had free electricity in their home and in their car? Global warming without car emissions would be less of an issue perhaps. Some say electrical engines were not there yet. Maybe not for a while but for a long time before Tesla's now. But why do that when gasoline costs money? Society is built upon the idea that you have to stand on everyone else to get there. So much of what is essential or enjoyable can be sold so someone else is better then you for selling it. Technology is changing in a way that humans will one day not be needed for many manual labor jobs. A machine can be programed to do it. Maybe then people will be more inclined to work together. Specially when the world changes and they have to.
i agree. We have sufficient resources, food and land on this planet to serve and satisfy every humain being. I was surprised when I saw how the big supermarket chains trash giant amounts of food every single year. They must not give it to the poor for free or donate it because then the market value would drop. Millions of pounds of food are wasted just like that every single year. In India and africa tons of grains are simply trashed away and destroyed rather than given as charity to the poor or needy. What a waste. but back to what you said; absolutely true ! we could cover the whole worlds energy demand just by water power plants alone. Not even counted wind and solar energy. Instead of the industry being beneficial for us they are working against us. They could have made every single country on earth self-sufficient and independent from petroleum/gas by investing into solar,wind,water energy. But they dont want that. Households would not need to pay for water,gas,electricity because its free and abundant out there in nature. Endless sources.