Need an old dreadhead hippie

Discussion in 'Ask The Old Hippies' started by *Star*, Jun 4, 2021.

  1. *Star*

    *Star* Members

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    What in the world is going on with all these loose hairs and how can I fix without straying too far from freeform? I've already done some twisting and a tad palm rolling so I suppose it's technically semi freeform now.

    I think the last time I brushed was in December so they are 5-6mths old

    If it's all good, I'll keep just rocking this mess. I live in the bible belt so this is kinda rare here. Everyone looks at me like I'm insane or homeless, but more importantly I have no one to get advice from.

    SHOW ME THE WAY... I'ma shave it allllllll

    PS: I'll be back to Add a pic... As soon as I figure out how
  2. BenS Alaskan

    BenS Alaskan Members

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    I’ve seen a lot of them. Friends that do it then shave it. I didn’t get many pointers but I’ll ask them.
    Totally Yoda likes this.
  3. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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  4. Totally Yoda

    Totally Yoda Members

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