Hello. I am new to this site, well, any sex site for that matter, and would like to get some advice on an issue that I am having. Here is my (brief) story: I am in my late 20's, married with child on the way. My wife has a best friend that is like her sister. Her friend recently got engaged and has also been trying for a child. Needless to say, I am attracted to her friend. I think she is attracted to me as well but I was never good with the "signs" so to speak. I own my own business and her friend is one of my employees so I see her almost every day. We always go on double dates, have get-togethers, etc., and I am always aroused when in the presence of her friend. Her friend and I have a good relationship inside and outside of work. We always joke with each other, talk about stuff and genuinely enjoy each other's company. I know that it is wrong, being that I am married. but I always fantasize about what it would be like to get with her. I am worried that if I made a move, and she rejected me, would she tell my wife? Would she go nuts and ruin my life? Don't get me wrong, I love my wife, but I want her as well, and I don't want to ruin my relationship with my wife or her. But on the other hand, what if she has the same feelings as me and we become more than just friends? I need help and/or advice. Thanks in advance and sorry if I offended anyone by this.
Look into couple swapping. Better to be open and upfront about such topics with your wife than to go being her back. Don't cheat, it makes everything worse.
Thing is, my wife is very traditional, she wouldn't want any part of swapping, swinging, or anything like that.
you shoulda thought of that before you knocked her up now you actually wanna fuck her best friend and ruin your wifes life....also ruin their ''best friend'' thing you're a dick for even thinking about it man the fuck up and try not to pass this garbage on to the kid
Your not a dick for thinking about it. You'll be one if you act on your fantasy though. Also keep in mind this could all be in your head, and the "best friend" sees you as a good friend akin to family, and if you made a move based on your urges, you'd just screw yourself.
Fucking your pregnant wife's best friend is a douche move. I would suggest keeping your dick in your pants. Don't even approach the subject with her friend. It's pretty much the worst idea in the world. Unless her pussy has magical powers that can shoot a rainbow that has a pot of gold at the end, it's not even worth the risk of attempting to approach the subject. I have a great relationship with my best friends husband. We joke, talk about things and enjoy each others company too. That doesn't mean I want to have sex with him. You can bet that if he even suggested it, his wife would be first to know. I guarantee that you would never be able to pull it off. Then in the end all you have is a broken marriage with a baby growing up with a mom that hates its dad for fucking around on her while she was pregnant. You've ruined your wife for any man that comes a long plus you would have ruined her relationship with her best friend. Don't be an asshole.
First of all, biologically, men can father many children in a year, and women not so much...Biologically speaking, man is not for just oe one female...He only is morally, so that is why we hear alot of this, and it sucks....It is a conflict in the very makings of man and society. I feel for you wife. have you told her? You should do that at least. I would not want to live with someone that was lieing to me....
Why the fuck would you cheat on your wife whom you made a vow to? Pretty stupid. Now if you could get your wife to be willing to do a 3 some or something then that would be badass. Just know women are jealous creatures. My significant other is pretty understanding and realizes men are wired different so shes open for me to have a release every now and then when her libido isnt raging lol.
I just meant ...advice to talk to his wife., It could strengthen the bond too....Honesty tends to do that sometimes. The other stuff can rip every ounce of anything good apart.
I don't think telling his wife that he wants to bang her best friend is a good idea at all. Horrible idea. Especially since she is pregnant and her hormones are all out of whack. It wouldn't do anything but cause problems for years to come. Keep it to yourself and try to get over the feelings. Nothing good will come from it.
Technically, I haven't done anything so I am not really lying about anything. These are just thoughts that are torturing me. As for the other replies..I appreciate and respect your responses. But as men, don't act like you haven't fantasized about other women if you are in a relationship already.. Everyone does it.. but that's as far as many go. I just have that urge to go further.. As I said in my first post, I know its wrong, but I just wanted to put it out there and get some (predictable) feedback..
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ what he just said, we all do it, and i am guilty as charged too heck when me and my best friend from school days were dating 2 sisters for 3.5 years or so (between 17 and 21) we often hung out a lot as 2 couples, and i had a good relationship with my girlfriends sister, and often thought about her in a non friendship way, but i never went there, it was something you never acted on, however just after both relationships ended (withing 2 months of each other) me and the sister hooked up for coffee one day (she rang me to talk about some stuff about her sister) and after that, her and i ended up dating for 6 months, and it was magical, although for obvious reasons we kept it pretty quiet and just enjoyed the times we were together. we kept it secret because of possible ramifications from my friend or my former girlfriend and her family, and we knew all along it would never be long term, so we kept it quiet. she did tell me that she never once thought anything more of me other than as a friend during the time she was dating my friend.
what a joke...who are you trying to kid?....we get that you want to take the forbidden step.....that's why you are a dick no matter how you slice it you are still playing with peoples lives because you think with your dick its shameful.......go buy that pregnant wife of yours some flowers and take her to brunch today....later on rub her feet and let her have a nap stop douching out
Your wife is pregnant and your thinking of someone else, you are out of order be a man and stand by your wife, pregnancy is no fun, be there for your wife
If my hubby told me that when I was pregnant, I'd leave his butt so fast it would make his head spin. Once TRUST is broken, it can't be repaired. I know that I could never forgive a cheater and if I suspected he was cheating or he mentioned this fantasy, I wouldn't be able to forget it. Fantasize all you want about a STRANGER or some famous model/actress you will never meet. Don't fantasize about your wife's BEST FRIEND. You are risking your marriage for what? How will sex with her be different from sex with your wife?
Hmmm, I don't think anyone should get married unless they're 100% committed to their significant other. I know matters of the heart can't be controlled, but like rolling said, you're thinking with your dick so it's not like you're in love with your wife's friend (might I add, who you said is like a sister to your wife), so if you did bang her, it's like you're banging your wife's sister.. That situation is already fucked up and then on top of that your wife is pregnant.. you need to be there for your wife. I'm a woman and when I'm in a committed relationship, I'm committed, I don't think about other people. You said Everyone fantasizes about other people even while in a relationship. How do you know this is true? It doesn't apply to me so I don't think it applies to everyone then. Or do you mean that only applies to men? If that's true, then I find that really sad. Also, just because a woman is being 'nice' to you doesn't necessarily mean she wants in your pants. Maybe she just wants to have a good relationship with you because you're her best friends husband. Anyways, it's almost been 2 months since your posted this, did you bang the friend?..