Does your partner touch your navel during foreplay / sex ? Do you touch theirs ? Does your partner have an inwards / outwards navel ?
I'm pretty open minded about bodies, and I can find beauty in almost anyone....but outties are the one thing I CANNOT handle. It looks like a piece of intestine sticking out of their belly. And if it happens to touch me.... uke:
As long as the belly button is clean innie or outtie is fine with me. But people will agree and so do many professional photography studios, that innies visually look better. As long as it's not a medical problem I think it is fine.
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. uke:uke:uke: My husband and I both agree that belly buttons are off limits. It makes me have to pee and he hates his belly button touched which is fine with me.