When we find a job and 9ot accepted to it.. Employers typically do a back9round check. So wat I'm thinkin9 is that will you lost your new job because they found out you are a naturist and have participated in naturist events? Note that textile people and moralist think naturism as a form of fetish or a form of immorality. What are your thou9hts?
If I was an employer I wouldn't give a shit. And I'm not a naturist. So it could just be in your head too. As long as you don't practice your naturism on the job there could very well be no problem at all. Those are my thoughts.
wat if you practice naturism from anoter country and eventually was found to be ille9al. will tis affect your job?>
Cuddle, don't worry about it. Just learn to keep home separate from work. I betcha they wouldn't care if you was banging a three headed goat while dressed as Wonder Woman. Provided you do it at home. nldn, yes the naturist groups do provide that information.